World of Warcraft - All Loading Screens and Main Themes (updated to Battle for Azeroth)

9 629
World of Warcraft All Loading Screens and full Main Themes compilation with their title and screen behind.

World of Warcraft Classic - Legends of Azeroth 00:00
The Burning Crusade - The Burning Legion 02:30
Wrath of the Lich King - Main Theme 06:20
Cataclysm - The Shattering 15:15
Mist of Pandaria - Hearth of Pandaria 27:17
Warlords of Draenor - A Siege of Worlds 35:18
Legion - Kingdoms Will Burn 47:26
Battle for Azeroth - Before the Storm 58:14

wow all cinematics, wow all loading screens, wow main themes, battle for azeroth ost, wowhead, mmochampion

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