Warcraft III Easter Eggs 1: The Scourge of Lordaeron

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Abelhawk begins a journey to find all the hidden secrets and Easter eggs in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, starting with The Scourge of Lordaeron. NOTE: I missed a lot of Easter eggs my first time through, so I made a couple of "addendum" videos after the series to catch them. If you notice I missed a secret, don't worry! I probably caught it later. (see and

► Part 2 (Undead) -
► Part 3 (Orc) -
► Part 4 (Night Elf) -
► Part 5 (Night Elf) -
► Part 6 (Blood Elf) -
► Part 7 (Undead) -
► Part 8 (Rexxar) -
► Addendum videos (all the ones I missed) - ▪
► Exodus of the Horde -
#warcraft3 #blizzard #warcraftreforged

0:00 - Warcraft III Easter Eggs: The Scourge of Lordaeron
1:31 - Prologue: Chasing Visions
2:15 - Chapter 1: The Defense of Strahnbrad
3:07 - Chapter 2: Blackroll & Roll
4:04 - Chapter 3: Ravages of the Plague
5:41 - Chapter 4: The Cult of the Damned
7:52 - Chapter 5: March of the Scourge
8:18 - Chapter 6: The Culling
10:07 - The Northrend Levels
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I am not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or Warcraft III, nor do I own any of their music or software showcased in this video.