The Best of Classic World of Warcraft
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In this video, I go over my experiences with the Classic WoW Community. Recently, MadSeasonShow made a video entitled "The Worst of Classic World of Warcraft" and after watching that video, I was inspired to make this video highlighting how positive the community has been for me. I hope you enjoy!
0:00 - Introduction
2:20 - The Defcamp & Melderon Community
3:40 - The Classic Shaman Discord
4:46 - The Skeram Server Discord
6:03 - Classic WoW Hardcore
8:23 - Classic WoW PvP
10:17 - Classic WoW PvE
13:40 - Different Perspectives
18:19 - Bonus Content!
------ Video Links -------
Original MadSeasonShow Video:
Asmongold Reaction:
Classic WoW Hardcore Discord:
Classic WoW Hardcore Official Website:
Defcamp on Twitch:
Graysfordays on Twitch:
Kargoz on Twitch:
Classic Shaman Discord:
------ Defcamp & Melderon Links ------
Defcamp and Melderon TV Patreon Page -
Defcamp and Melderon TV Merchandise:
Visit the definitive source for Classic WoW content & tools:
Check out the free, interactive leveling guide by Navak & Egregious:
Join the Discord -
Join the Defcamp and Melderon TV Discord -
Follow us on Twitter -
Follow Defcamp on Twitch:
Follow Melderon on Twitch:
If you would like to contact for business requests or general inquiry, email us at
#wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #warcraftclassic
------ Podcast Links ------
Google Play:
------ Defcamp and Melderon Playlists ------
Classic WoW Guides:
Melderon's Shaman Guides:
Classic WoW Gems:
Defcamp's Ironman Challenges Playlist:
Melderon's Ironman Challenges Playlist:
DefTalk Playlist:
Classic WoW Discussion Playlist:
Melderon's Classic Vlogs Playlist:
Intermission with Defcamp Playlist:
Super Plate Brother Playlist (New):
Super Plate Brothers Playlist (Original):
------ Addon Links ------
0:00 - Introduction
2:20 - The Defcamp & Melderon Community
3:40 - The Classic Shaman Discord
4:46 - The Skeram Server Discord
6:03 - Classic WoW Hardcore
8:23 - Classic WoW PvP
10:17 - Classic WoW PvE
13:40 - Different Perspectives
18:19 - Bonus Content!
------ Video Links -------
Original MadSeasonShow Video:
Asmongold Reaction:
Classic WoW Hardcore Discord:
Classic WoW Hardcore Official Website:
Defcamp on Twitch:
Graysfordays on Twitch:
Kargoz on Twitch:
Classic Shaman Discord:
------ Defcamp & Melderon Links ------
Defcamp and Melderon TV Patreon Page -
Defcamp and Melderon TV Merchandise:
Visit the definitive source for Classic WoW content & tools:
Check out the free, interactive leveling guide by Navak & Egregious:
Join the Discord -
Join the Defcamp and Melderon TV Discord -
Follow us on Twitter -
Follow Defcamp on Twitch:
Follow Melderon on Twitch:
If you would like to contact for business requests or general inquiry, email us at
#wowclassic #worldofwarcraft #warcraftclassic
------ Podcast Links ------
Google Play:
------ Defcamp and Melderon Playlists ------
Classic WoW Guides:
Melderon's Shaman Guides:
Classic WoW Gems:
Defcamp's Ironman Challenges Playlist:
Melderon's Ironman Challenges Playlist:
DefTalk Playlist:
Classic WoW Discussion Playlist:
Melderon's Classic Vlogs Playlist:
Intermission with Defcamp Playlist:
Super Plate Brother Playlist (New):
Super Plate Brothers Playlist (Original):
------ Addon Links ------