Draenor Flying Made Easy! WoW Guide To Draenor Pathfinder in 10 Minutes!

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ADDED INTRO with FIXED SOUND on original video AND SHADOWLANDS info about Pathfinder achievement requirements.

If you're like me and didn't get Draenor Pathfinder (flying in Draenor - WoD) when it was current content here is an easy (albeit kind of expensive) way to get it now without actually working for it!

I used the WoW's 15th Anniversary XP buff (15%) + the Darkmoon Faire XP buff (10%) but even once the 15th anniversary event is over you can still do this with the Darkmoon Faire buff (an easy 10%), and many other XP and Rep buffs that are in the game (I realize these buffs may not be widely known, so I’ll be doing another video SOON about all of them and where & how to get them) to make grinds like this easier AND cost a lot less gold!

I bought 41 medallions and used 25. Obviously the cost is variable depending on your server and server economy, mine was about $4k per medallion for a total of about 100k gold. Expensive but it's been annoying me not having it and I did not want to work for it because WoD was boring (my opinion) and doing it now seems like a total waste of time. Obviously you have to be willing to pay for it, in my case 100k gold, but maybe your server is cheaper than mine.

I earned 7 achievements, 2 titles and 1 mount. Achievements: Arakkoa Outcasts, Savage Friends, 35 Exalted Reputations, Council of Exarchs, Draenor Pathfinder and Tanaan Diplomat, Mantle of the Talon King (when you get exalted with the Arakkoa you get a quest called "Call of the Talon King" - fly to Veil Terokk in Spires of Arak and turn it in to Shade of Terokk [The Talon King] and that completes it); Title: Prelate, Talon Queen (also from turning in the quest "Call of the Talon King"); Mount: Soaring Skyterror. You may already have one or more of these, like 35 Exalted Reputations, but most of these are only achieved through gaining the Draenor Reputation. It's also worth mentioning that once you turn in the quest "Call of the Talon King" you also get a garrison follower (he's standing just outside of where you turn in the quest with a question mark, click on it and you get him as a follower). Garrison followers are pretty useless now, I know, but it's worth mentioning.

I hope this helps some people get out of some of the grind of WoW! Feels like cheating but totally isn't! :)

Background music: The Entertainer by Scott Joplin