WoW Classic Class Picking Guide

2 486 942
A guide on the basics of each class in World of Wacraft: Classic to help you decide what you want to play!

Horde Race Picking Guide:
Alliance Race Picking Guide:
Profession Picking Guide:

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer or at least read as many as I can.

Videos used in this video
Drakedog 5 Warlock by vanillawowmovies:
Onyxia Wipe Animation by Alachas1985:
Mage pvp by doomhandle:
Ranger the Hunter by vanillawowmovies:
Laintime Warrior by TheManiac2000:
Xantim 3 Shadow Priest by Erik Bäcklund:
Kirill 2 Paladin by vanillawowmovies:
Unbreakable Shaman by chumppi:

Hamlet Music courtesy of Stuart Chatwood

Buy the Darkest Dungeon Official Soundtrack here -

Music from

'WetGrass Inspired' [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
WoW Login Music:
Stormwind Music:
Hamlet Theme:
BfA - The Crimson Forest:
WoW PvP music:
Corridors of Time Cover by PPF:
D3 New Tristram:
PoE Lioneye's Watch:
Song of Elune:
WoW Vanilla - Mountains Theme:
Orgrimmar Music:
Cataclysm Defenders of Azeroth:
Ironforge Music:
"Peaceful Waters" Cover by Harry Murrell: (mixed with original theme)
Calm Before the Storm cover by Super Guitar Bros:
'Honour, Pride, Green Tea' by Tuberz McGee
WoW Wrathgate Music:
Thunderbluff Music:
People of the North Pole cover by mistermv:
Seasons of War:

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