MY Enhance Shaman PvP GUIDE! - 10.0.2 Enhance Shaman PvP - Dragonflight PvP

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Time Stamps - Races 1:32 Stats 5:48 General Talents 7:11 Build 1. 15:18 Build 2. 23:58 Build 3. 30:55 Optional Talents 37:10 Strengths / Weakness 49:09

I strained my voice previous to this recording and was under a cold so a lot of what I said in this video just didn't sound right / I didn't explain properly and just lost my thoughts. But I still wanted to push out a guide video even though it's not up to the standards I'd hoped for it to be seeing as I've never done a guide video, the pressure was on bois and girls. So If you're still unsatisfied with this guide I'll touch up on everything that was covered here. Something I didn't mention was trinkets. Of course you want you're CC trinket but your only other option is a BM trinket. BM you'll run 99% of the time as It helps with your survivability but you can also run a Proc trinket to help with more rotational damage. I'm going to give you the simplest answer to "What's the enhance shaman rotation?" You are pressing anything that glows! There is no dedicated rotation to enhancement shaman! Of course stormstrike being the main core to your rotation. The 1st build "TunaStorm" excels with constant great stormstrike damage and pressure so long as there are multiple (at least 3) targets in your range. Your main focus of this build is to have as much uptime with [Legacy of the Frost Witch] As this grants you 25% increased phys damage and resets the cooldown of your Stormstrike. Make sure to have good stacks with [Converging Storms] to really maximized that stormstrike damage. You're constantly weaving Crash Lightnings into Stormstrikes and in between those windows (if you're not getting Stormbringer / Maelstrom) You are using your shocks and laying down your totems in the meantime. Your burst Follows, Get to 10 MW stacks, Pop Feral Spirits, Crash Lightning, Doom WInds, Elemental Blast and spam Stormstrikes while using Crash Lighnting for Converging Storms and MW spenders to get LotFW buffs .Your 2nd Build Centers around your short cooldown Lava Lashes as Lava Lash not only acts as a filler, It also acts as a source for big damage and spreads flame shock. Talents such as [Elemental Weapons] [Elemental Spirits] and [Overflowing Maelstrom] Helps maximize your spell damage. Your rotation is a bit different because you are prioritizing both Stormstrike AND Lava Lashes. Stormstrike for maelstrom generation for this big Lightning Bolts and Blasts and Lava Lash for easy damage and easy spreads of Flame Shock. How do you burst / what is your point in maximizing your damage? You want get a pre [Ice Strike] Out there for your Frost Shock buff When you us PW you'll instantly generate 10 stacks of MW, getting you ready to deal Big Lightning Bolt damage. Lightning bolt with hit every target affected by your FS and strike your current target twice. That's not all, after that big lightning bolt you're going to finish off with a big frost shock as frost shock gets empowered by your Ice Strike (100%) and also gets empowered by your Hailstorm (Consuming stacks of Maelstrom grants you 15% dmg on your next frost shock and causes it to cleave). Your 3rd build is also fairly simple. It's your same rotation Weaving Crash Lightning into your Stormstrikes then into your Frost and Flame shocks if you're unlucky with procs and to of course, have uptime on your slow and DoT. Your burst is the simple part. Same style as your TunaStorm build you're going to Feral spirits, Crash Lightning, Elemental Blast, Doom Winds into Ascendance and continuesly spam Windstrike and of course use crash Lightning for Converging Storms buffs. Ascendance passively generates MW which works well to reduce the cooldown of Feral Spirits and also SPENDS MW which helps get more LotFW Buffs! In terms of comps (Specifically 3v3) You only really have Turbo cleave and Ret x Pala. Best healers is anyone who can help fill the gaps between your weaknesses so Mobility, Defensiveness and lack of CC so something like an Rdruid that has constant uptime and heals and has set up cc like incapacitating Roar and clones with the help of roots and vortexes to help you reach your target. Hpal is nice for 100% Blessing of Sacrifice, Freedom and of course BoP to get out of stuns because as an enhance, stuns are your worst enemy. I can't touch up on everything so if you really have specific questions please let me know and I will do my best to give you beneficial information!

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