Warcraft 3 Northrend Returns Race Gameplay - (Undead & Burning Legion) - Showcase Test Custom

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Warcraft 3 Northrend Returns Race Gameplay - (Undead & Burning Legion) - Showcase Test Custom Gameplay


[WoR] Northrend Returns v6.1
Author(s)Mote -E
TagsAI, Altered Melee, Campaign, Melee, Strategy / Risk, Medieval / Warcraft
Size5.75 MB
Welcome to War of Races | Northend Returns v6.1 | By: Mote -E -------

Map design by: revada.

DISCLAIMER: This map is considered as a "JUST FOR FUN" map due to the fact that it is extremely big but enjoyable in every way.

Are you bored playing all the time with same races? Have not enough your resources? do you need another heroes? another units? another races? THEN THIS IS YOUR MAP.

Map Info

This an altered melee map adding content from the original blizzard package and some models extracted from different websites. I customized the map and adjusted all the races looking always for quality and balanced that the player needs.

Map Initialization

The map will start with a big window that contains a list of the races that the map offers to you, once you’ve picked your race, you will be located in your starting point with a “main stage” (town hall, main hall… etc.”) and workers units to begin your game.

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#wc3 #wc3racegameplay #northrendreturnsracegameplay

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