IT'S TIME! WoW Expansions Ranked

21 527
Are you ready for the WoW expansions ranked? Well after all these class and spec tier lists, we believe it's about time to make a proper wow expanions tier list and decide which is the best and which is the worst. We're looking at systems, classes, features, story and overall vibe but really, it's pretty tough to decide on the absoulte best wow expansion :) Anyways, we do our best and if you enjoy this stuff be sure to like and sub to MarcelianOnline for more best wow expansions ranked videos 😂

00:00 Intro
01:14 Vanilla
02:50 The Burning Crusade
05:28 Wrath of the Lich King
08:35 Cataclysm
11:40 Mists of Pandaria
14:22 Warlords of Draenor
17:07 Legion
19:54 Battle for Azeroth
24:18 Shadowlands

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