Samophlange! | Orc Shaman Playthrough - Part 17 | Let's Play World of Warcraft

Welcome to Part 17, Samophlange, in this World of Warcraft playthrough featuring my Orc Shaman. This WoW Let's Play series will feature World of Warcraft retail gameplay alongside my own commentary as we adventure and quest through Azeroth and experience the Horde side.

I'll also be voicing NPCs and reading quest text where needed.

Series Playlist:



About AzerothDan:

I'm Dan. G'day! Welcome to my World of Warcraft focused channel. I typically like to have story, quests and campaigns at the forefront of my let's plays / playthroughs. If there are NPCs that need voicing I will do that (as best as I can!). I'll also read lore pieces, books, quests and other such items out aloud when I discover them. Additionally I like to let cutscenes play out without talking over the top of them.

If you're looking for a relaxed style of gameplay, you've come to the right place. I hope you enjoy the video and hope to see you around again!

... oh and yes, I am Australian.


00:00 Samophlange Repair
01:09 Wenikee Boltbucket
02:40 Nugget Slugs
05:53 Return to Samophlanger
07:04 Read the Manual / Miner's Fortune
19:27 The Short Way Home

#worldofwarcraft #wow