120k DPS Demon Hunter Havoc Guide. BFA 8.3. Talents, Corruptions, Rotation, Simcraft, BIS.
25 703
Havoc demon hunter dps guide in 7 minutes with all explanation how to make 100-120k overal dps. Also vid about simulations for most classes and choosing Best in Slot. Enjoy! (press "MORE" under the game icon).
And to check best players in class use:
ADDONS in video(download them via Twich client):
Simulationcraft(addon for simulations)
Pawn(Shows stat weights and items in same slot differences)
Weakauras 2(may be i should make a video guide how to make simple weakauras)
Details(dps metter)
ArcHud(Lines around character)
00:00 Intro
00:23 Talents
00:48 Essences
01:12 BIS Azerite pieces
01:50 My corruptions list
01:54 DPS rotation
03:30 Simulationcraft
05:07 How to choose BIS
06:01 Key run
07:28 Overall dps
Thanks for watching! Hope this video will be helpfull and someone would stop ruining my keys xD (joke).
And to check best players in class use:
ADDONS in video(download them via Twich client):
Simulationcraft(addon for simulations)
Pawn(Shows stat weights and items in same slot differences)
Weakauras 2(may be i should make a video guide how to make simple weakauras)
Details(dps metter)
ArcHud(Lines around character)
00:00 Intro
00:23 Talents
00:48 Essences
01:12 BIS Azerite pieces
01:50 My corruptions list
01:54 DPS rotation
03:30 Simulationcraft
05:07 How to choose BIS
06:01 Key run
07:28 Overall dps
Thanks for watching! Hope this video will be helpfull and someone would stop ruining my keys xD (joke).