WOW Horde Leveling Guide 1-50 FAST and EASY
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WOW Horde Leveling Guide 1-50 FAST and EASY
WoW Horde leveling guide 1-50
1. Exiles Reach 1-10
- Create your character and select Exiles Reach to level. If you create an Allied Race Horde character you will start at level 10. When you've completed Exiles Reach fly to Ogrimmar and complete the To Do List below.
- Learn: Mining & Herbalism.
- Buy 4 Big Bags.
- Buy Comfortable Rider’s Barding. (Optional).
- Buy 20 x Goblin Gliders. (Optional).
- Learn to Ride (Level 10).
- Equip Any Heirloom Gear.
- Enchant Heirloom Gear:
- Hidden Satyr (Neck), Elemental Force (Weapon).
- Hearthstone Set to Orgrimmar.
- Get addons: Silverdragon, Handynotes: Dreanor, Legion & Eastern Kingdom and Leatrix Maps.
3. Leveling Route:
- Silverpine Forest
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- The WoD introduction zone and Garrison
- Gorgrond
- Val’Sharah
- Highmountain
4. Silverpine Forest (10-23)
- Locate the portal to Undercity (Ask a city guard if lost – portal is near Zeplin Tower). Silverpine Forest & Hillsbrad Foothills have so much Potential Experience in these zones. Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills will get you from level 10 all the way up to level 30 providing you do all the quests. Level 20? When you ding please use your hearthstone to Orgrimmar and Learn 100% Riding as this will make the leveling process quicker. Press "N" and Turn PVP on and then return to Silverpine Forest to complete further quests.
5. Hillsbrad Foothills (23-30)
- With Silverpine Forest completed we are now going into Hillsbrad Foothills. There are many quests in this zone and there should be enough to take you through to level 30, I suggest stopping at level 30 due to the Zone max level is 30 the quests reward less experience from 30+. When you ding level 30 be sure to hand in any remaining quests and Hearthstone back to Orgrimmar. Upon returning to Orgrimmar learn flying riding skill.
6. WOD Introduction Scenario (30-34)
- Congratulations! You are level 30, make sure you learn to Fly while in Orgrimmar. Find and approach “Chromie”. Chromie is located in the Valley of Wisdom. Set yourself onto the Iron Horde Campaign (WOD). Follow the Iron Horde Campaign quest through to the Orgrimmar portal room where you shall speak to the Vanguard Battlemage to be teleported to Blasted Lands. Travel to the big green portal and speak to Khadgar who is standing in front. This will begin your WOD INTRO Scenario.
7. Gorgrond (34-40)
- Mount up and fly from your Garrison towards Gorgrond. There are a multitude of quests, bonus objectives, treasures, toys and rare elites to take advantage of for experience! Do your best to complete every quest and bonus objective in Gorgrond. This should easily take you to level 40 and beyond. When you have completed Gorgrond please Hearthstone to Ogrimmar.
8. Val’sharah (40-45)
- Once back in Orgrimmar go to “Chromie”. Change your Chromie time to Legion and learn Master Flight Riding. You will now need to head to an NPC outside Orgrimmar and you should be presented with the option to skip the starting scenario and get you immediately to Dalaran. Once you get to Dalaran, hand your quest in to the NPC and then mount up and fly to Val’Sharah. Complete all quests within Val’Sharah. When you complete all quests and objectives here fly to Highmountain.
9. Highmountain (45-50)
- As long as you are minimum of level 45 before you begin Highmountain you will ding level 50. Just bare in mind you need to do every single quest, every bonus objective and collect all ORE or Herbs.
10. Congratulations LEVEL 50!!!! Go to Shadowlands!
00:00 Horde Leveling Introduction
00:41 Creating Characters Tips
02:05 Exiles Reach Level 1-10
02:20 Horde Leveling To Do List
04:22 Horde 1-50 Leveling Route
05:30 Silverpine Forest Level 10-23
08:00 Level 20 Turn PVP on & Mount
09:00 Finish Silverpine Forest 10-23
09:20 Hillsbrad Foothills 23-30
10:00 Level 30 Flying & Chromie WOD
11:00 WOD Introduction Scenario 30-34
11:45 Build the Garrison & Unlock Mission Table 30-34
12:20 Fly to Gorgrond for Questing 34-41
12:50 Complete All Quests in Gorgrond 34-41
14:00 Level 41 Flying & Chromie Legion
14:50 Legion Chromie Time Skip
15:18 Fly to Val'Sharah
16:50 Val'Sharah Complete All Quests 40-45
17:55 Highmountain Complete All Quests 45-50
19:00 Congratulations Level 50!
20:00 Outro to Horde Leveling
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🔴 STREAM: YOUTUBE! - Schedule: Mon and Fri - 8PM GMT (3PM EST)
WOW Level 60 Gearing Guide Shadowlands 2022
#wowguide #wowleveling #wowhorde
🟠 Gold Guides:
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WOW Horde Leveling Guide 1-50 FAST and EASY
WoW Horde leveling guide 1-50
1. Exiles Reach 1-10
- Create your character and select Exiles Reach to level. If you create an Allied Race Horde character you will start at level 10. When you've completed Exiles Reach fly to Ogrimmar and complete the To Do List below.
- Learn: Mining & Herbalism.
- Buy 4 Big Bags.
- Buy Comfortable Rider’s Barding. (Optional).
- Buy 20 x Goblin Gliders. (Optional).
- Learn to Ride (Level 10).
- Equip Any Heirloom Gear.
- Enchant Heirloom Gear:
- Hidden Satyr (Neck), Elemental Force (Weapon).
- Hearthstone Set to Orgrimmar.
- Get addons: Silverdragon, Handynotes: Dreanor, Legion & Eastern Kingdom and Leatrix Maps.
3. Leveling Route:
- Silverpine Forest
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- The WoD introduction zone and Garrison
- Gorgrond
- Val’Sharah
- Highmountain
4. Silverpine Forest (10-23)
- Locate the portal to Undercity (Ask a city guard if lost – portal is near Zeplin Tower). Silverpine Forest & Hillsbrad Foothills have so much Potential Experience in these zones. Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills will get you from level 10 all the way up to level 30 providing you do all the quests. Level 20? When you ding please use your hearthstone to Orgrimmar and Learn 100% Riding as this will make the leveling process quicker. Press "N" and Turn PVP on and then return to Silverpine Forest to complete further quests.
5. Hillsbrad Foothills (23-30)
- With Silverpine Forest completed we are now going into Hillsbrad Foothills. There are many quests in this zone and there should be enough to take you through to level 30, I suggest stopping at level 30 due to the Zone max level is 30 the quests reward less experience from 30+. When you ding level 30 be sure to hand in any remaining quests and Hearthstone back to Orgrimmar. Upon returning to Orgrimmar learn flying riding skill.
6. WOD Introduction Scenario (30-34)
- Congratulations! You are level 30, make sure you learn to Fly while in Orgrimmar. Find and approach “Chromie”. Chromie is located in the Valley of Wisdom. Set yourself onto the Iron Horde Campaign (WOD). Follow the Iron Horde Campaign quest through to the Orgrimmar portal room where you shall speak to the Vanguard Battlemage to be teleported to Blasted Lands. Travel to the big green portal and speak to Khadgar who is standing in front. This will begin your WOD INTRO Scenario.
7. Gorgrond (34-40)
- Mount up and fly from your Garrison towards Gorgrond. There are a multitude of quests, bonus objectives, treasures, toys and rare elites to take advantage of for experience! Do your best to complete every quest and bonus objective in Gorgrond. This should easily take you to level 40 and beyond. When you have completed Gorgrond please Hearthstone to Ogrimmar.
8. Val’sharah (40-45)
- Once back in Orgrimmar go to “Chromie”. Change your Chromie time to Legion and learn Master Flight Riding. You will now need to head to an NPC outside Orgrimmar and you should be presented with the option to skip the starting scenario and get you immediately to Dalaran. Once you get to Dalaran, hand your quest in to the NPC and then mount up and fly to Val’Sharah. Complete all quests within Val’Sharah. When you complete all quests and objectives here fly to Highmountain.
9. Highmountain (45-50)
- As long as you are minimum of level 45 before you begin Highmountain you will ding level 50. Just bare in mind you need to do every single quest, every bonus objective and collect all ORE or Herbs.
10. Congratulations LEVEL 50!!!! Go to Shadowlands!
00:00 Horde Leveling Introduction
00:41 Creating Characters Tips
02:05 Exiles Reach Level 1-10
02:20 Horde Leveling To Do List
04:22 Horde 1-50 Leveling Route
05:30 Silverpine Forest Level 10-23
08:00 Level 20 Turn PVP on & Mount
09:00 Finish Silverpine Forest 10-23
09:20 Hillsbrad Foothills 23-30
10:00 Level 30 Flying & Chromie WOD
11:00 WOD Introduction Scenario 30-34
11:45 Build the Garrison & Unlock Mission Table 30-34
12:20 Fly to Gorgrond for Questing 34-41
12:50 Complete All Quests in Gorgrond 34-41
14:00 Level 41 Flying & Chromie Legion
14:50 Legion Chromie Time Skip
15:18 Fly to Val'Sharah
16:50 Val'Sharah Complete All Quests 40-45
17:55 Highmountain Complete All Quests 45-50
19:00 Congratulations Level 50!
20:00 Outro to Horde Leveling
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🔴 STREAM: YOUTUBE! - Schedule: Mon and Fri - 8PM GMT (3PM EST)
WOW Level 60 Gearing Guide Shadowlands 2022
#wowguide #wowleveling #wowhorde