World Of Warcraft | Full Run ICC 25 HC 🆚 Blood DK Tank

31 955
We started as dynamic run and on The Lich King we swapped few toons to make it LOD kill as we did;]/


5.9gs Blood Death Knight POV.

World of Warcraft WOTLK gameplay.
Level 80 Orc DK -
Server -
Realm - Icecrown
V: 3.3.5

Royal Bloodline still recruiting! mostly looking for warlocks, combat rogues, feral tanks and protection paladins but we recruit exceptional players as well. Guild site
Our current weekly schedule:
4 LoDs, 4/5 RS 25HCs, 1-2 Dynamic ICC's, 1-2 ToGC's, 1 ULD (achievements).

POV from all classes :
Priest -
DK -
Rogue -
Warrior -
Paladin -
Druid -
Hunter -
Warlock =
Mage -
Shaman -

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: