Vanilla Stranglethorn Vale - Music & Ambience (3 hours, World of Warcraft Classic)

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The Stranglethorn Vale (Azeroth, Eastern Kingdoms) is a vast jungle south of Duskwood.
Ancient Gurubashi trolls once ruled the region, and the ruins of their great cities crumble in the jungle's heat and growth. Naga hunt along the coast and vicious animals (basilisks, crabs, crocolisks, gorillas, raptors, panthers and tigers) and plants, including the eponymous strangle-thorns, make travel dangerous.
The Arena, a center for gladiatorial games set in a ruined Gurubashi fighting stadium, draws shady characters of all races. The Blackwater Raiders, a vile group of pirates, make their home in Booty Bay, on the Stranglethorn's southern coast.

00:00:11 Jungle Night 1
00:01:05 Jungle Night 2
00:01:59 Jungle Night 3

00:03:28 Jungle Day 1
00:04:15 Jungle Day 2
00:05:53 Jungle Day 3

01:27:35 Volcanic Night 1
01:28:51 Volcanic Night 2
The music tracks extend for a period of 3 hours and they are all the time marked in the Stranglethorn Vale music & ambience video.
The composer for Night Jungle, Day Jungle and Night Volcanic music is Jason Hayes.

Almost all areas from Stranglethorn Vale (World of Warcraft Vanilla) can be found the movie: but you can find the main areas here:
00:00:00 Booty Bay & Janeiro's Point
00:12:30 Wild Shore & Jaguero Isle
00:27:30 Ruins of Aboraz
00:35:00 Mistvale Valley & Spirit Den
00:40:00 Southern Savage Coast & Nek'mani Wellspring & Bloodsail Compound
00:57:30 Gurubashi Arena
01:05:00 Crystalvein Mine
01:10:00 Ziata'jai Ruins & Ruins of Zul'Mamwe
01:25:00 Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound & Mizjah Ruins
01:35:00 Grom'gol Base Camp
01:47:30 The Vile Reef & Yojamba Isle
01:57:30 Zuulduaia Ruins & Bal'lal Ruins & Kal'ai Ruins & Ruins of Zul'Kundra
02:10:00 Nesingwary's Expedition
02:20:00 Venture Co. Base Camp
02:35:00 Zul'Gurub Enterance
02:42:30 Kurzen's Compound
02:50:00 Rebel Camp
02:59:00 Don't click!!!

As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity.

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