Archimonde Normal & Heroic - Balance Druid PoV
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How to kill Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel as a Balance Druid by HotBD®
Below is a list of abilities that Balance Druids should be aware of when fighting Archimonde in Normal and Heroic mode Hellfire Citadel 6.2 Live
Archimonde Phase 1 HFC
This phase is very simple for Balance Druids. Simply DPS Doomfire Spirit, Move towards the edge of the room if you get fixated.
During Allure Fire (Archimonde ability) make sure to e stacked and only move when Archimonde completes the cast. Use Stampeding Roar to help others as well as Displacer Beast to avoid any unnecessary stacks of the de-buff you gain from being hit by hellfire.
Move away of the Desecrate Area (Green swirling circle where the Spires appear) just stand next to it.
Spread-out (8yds) for Shadow Burst and make sure to stand on the purple stuff before a players land on it to split the damage. Displacer Beast, Sprint, Travel Form might all be helpful for you to get to the purple puddle in time.
When stacking for Allure fire, try to stand near one of those yellow orbs around the spires. When a player runs into these everybody within 15yds gains a buff “Light of the naruu” that protects from all shadow damage as well as increases movement speed by 40%.
DPS the Hellfire Deathcaller (Demon) It does loads of raid damage. Tip: You can mitigate this damage by having the buff mentioned above. Dot and prioritise Deathcallers as your main DPS target
Archimonde Phase 2 (70%) HFC
Shackled Torment. To break your shackle simply run 30 yards away from it. Do not break it if any raid members is at low HP but don’t wait longer than 10 seconds either due to the damage ticking de-buff it applies. Upon breaking it does 87k damage to all raid members.
Wrought Chaos. “Fire beam”. If you get this as the first player You will see an arrow under your feet pointing towards your partner. The player with the arrow must move slightly out of the group. and the partner that does not have an arrow under his feet must make sure that the arrow points away from any other raid member. This requires very little movement when you get used to it.
Allure Fire continues
Hellfire Deathcaller continues
Felbourne Overfiend. This add spawns at the portal where Archmonde stood before pull. Kill it, but prioritise Hellfire Deathcaller. Help interrupting if needed with solar beam when not on cooldown. Dot and starfall to kill
Deathstalkers spawn in groups of 3 along side Felbourne Overfiend. You will see them standing still casting Consume magic which does 110k damage and silences all players within the circle on the ground.. Dot and kill with starfall to kill.
Archimonde Phase 3 (40%) HFC
Demonic Feedback. Upon entering Phase 3 spread 6yds to avoid unnecessary damage.
Shackled Torment continues.
Wrought Chaos. continues.
Nether Banish. Balance Druids are very strong outside so I recommend that you stay out to DPS all adds and help out by Entangling rooting Living Shadow adds
When Nether Banish expires on the tank, all players within the his green circle gets teleported to another realm. However outside you will see a Huge 60yd diameter circle with a portal in the middle. Out of that portal comes Living Shadows. Root, Knock-back, Vortex, these must not reach their target as they leave a 45 sec long de-buff that decreases healing and absorbs received by 20% and do 200k damage.
At 25% you will notice Rain of Chaos. The ground gets covered in green circles where meteors will strike. Don’t bother moving, keep DPS’ing Archimonde.
Some of the meteors mentioned above will turn into Infernal Doombringers, these needs to be tanked by the boss as they do hit quite hard, however they have only 1 million hp, so ranged needs to kill these asap. Don’t dot, use starfall and wrath or starfire. This is main priority targets due to their stacking energy that pulses raid damage.
Best Balance Druid Talents for the Archimonde fight
Displacer beast: This is a must in order to minimise damage taken from de-buff applied by doomfire which sometimes can be hard to avoid due to players not stacking for Allure Fire.
Cenarion Ward: This ability is great for this fight due to the high level of mediocre damage bursts. The healing triggers upon taking damage (Almost all the time in this fight) and only has a 30 sec cooldown, so make sure to reapply it every 30 sec.
Nature’s Vigil: Another great raid helper during Phase 2 & 3. Pop it after second Allure fire and on every Shackled Torment where its off cool-down. At the two mentioned points you will experience the least waste healing since everybody takes damage.
Learn more about Balance Druid Talents:
Below is a list of abilities that Balance Druids should be aware of when fighting Archimonde in Normal and Heroic mode Hellfire Citadel 6.2 Live
Archimonde Phase 1 HFC
This phase is very simple for Balance Druids. Simply DPS Doomfire Spirit, Move towards the edge of the room if you get fixated.
During Allure Fire (Archimonde ability) make sure to e stacked and only move when Archimonde completes the cast. Use Stampeding Roar to help others as well as Displacer Beast to avoid any unnecessary stacks of the de-buff you gain from being hit by hellfire.
Move away of the Desecrate Area (Green swirling circle where the Spires appear) just stand next to it.
Spread-out (8yds) for Shadow Burst and make sure to stand on the purple stuff before a players land on it to split the damage. Displacer Beast, Sprint, Travel Form might all be helpful for you to get to the purple puddle in time.
When stacking for Allure fire, try to stand near one of those yellow orbs around the spires. When a player runs into these everybody within 15yds gains a buff “Light of the naruu” that protects from all shadow damage as well as increases movement speed by 40%.
DPS the Hellfire Deathcaller (Demon) It does loads of raid damage. Tip: You can mitigate this damage by having the buff mentioned above. Dot and prioritise Deathcallers as your main DPS target
Archimonde Phase 2 (70%) HFC
Shackled Torment. To break your shackle simply run 30 yards away from it. Do not break it if any raid members is at low HP but don’t wait longer than 10 seconds either due to the damage ticking de-buff it applies. Upon breaking it does 87k damage to all raid members.
Wrought Chaos. “Fire beam”. If you get this as the first player You will see an arrow under your feet pointing towards your partner. The player with the arrow must move slightly out of the group. and the partner that does not have an arrow under his feet must make sure that the arrow points away from any other raid member. This requires very little movement when you get used to it.
Allure Fire continues
Hellfire Deathcaller continues
Felbourne Overfiend. This add spawns at the portal where Archmonde stood before pull. Kill it, but prioritise Hellfire Deathcaller. Help interrupting if needed with solar beam when not on cooldown. Dot and starfall to kill
Deathstalkers spawn in groups of 3 along side Felbourne Overfiend. You will see them standing still casting Consume magic which does 110k damage and silences all players within the circle on the ground.. Dot and kill with starfall to kill.
Archimonde Phase 3 (40%) HFC
Demonic Feedback. Upon entering Phase 3 spread 6yds to avoid unnecessary damage.
Shackled Torment continues.
Wrought Chaos. continues.
Nether Banish. Balance Druids are very strong outside so I recommend that you stay out to DPS all adds and help out by Entangling rooting Living Shadow adds
When Nether Banish expires on the tank, all players within the his green circle gets teleported to another realm. However outside you will see a Huge 60yd diameter circle with a portal in the middle. Out of that portal comes Living Shadows. Root, Knock-back, Vortex, these must not reach their target as they leave a 45 sec long de-buff that decreases healing and absorbs received by 20% and do 200k damage.
At 25% you will notice Rain of Chaos. The ground gets covered in green circles where meteors will strike. Don’t bother moving, keep DPS’ing Archimonde.
Some of the meteors mentioned above will turn into Infernal Doombringers, these needs to be tanked by the boss as they do hit quite hard, however they have only 1 million hp, so ranged needs to kill these asap. Don’t dot, use starfall and wrath or starfire. This is main priority targets due to their stacking energy that pulses raid damage.
Best Balance Druid Talents for the Archimonde fight
Displacer beast: This is a must in order to minimise damage taken from de-buff applied by doomfire which sometimes can be hard to avoid due to players not stacking for Allure Fire.
Cenarion Ward: This ability is great for this fight due to the high level of mediocre damage bursts. The healing triggers upon taking damage (Almost all the time in this fight) and only has a 30 sec cooldown, so make sure to reapply it every 30 sec.
Nature’s Vigil: Another great raid helper during Phase 2 & 3. Pop it after second Allure fire and on every Shackled Torment where its off cool-down. At the two mentioned points you will experience the least waste healing since everybody takes damage.
Learn more about Balance Druid Talents: