Warcraft 3 Online Custom Map, Azeroth Reinvented, Burning Legion Gameplay!

heyy!! we're back on Azeroth Reinvented in wc3 online custom games, this time we're playing as the Burning Legion! really strong faction and almost broken if pared with another good faction , one of my favorite factions so far, though I'll probably remake another legion video once the devs fix the XP issue since atm we can't level up a lot without having the game go up to 5 hours XD or 3 ... so yeah in the mean time enjoy this demons faction gameplay!

--Warcraft 3 stuff--
Marsh Sanctum discord server:

Download Lordaeron the foremath map:

Download Lordaeron the aftermath map:

Download Azeroth Reinvented:

Azeroth Reinvented Discord server:

--Battle For Middle Earth stuff--
My 3 Video Tutorials on how to install the game (BFME) :

(read and watch it step by step do not skip anything!)

How to install Age of the Ring:

Age of the ring mod Discord:

Age of the ring ModDb site : (Click on files and download the latest patch)

Join my Discord To play with me and my friends!

Bfme Reforged (remaster!) Trailer:

Bfme Reforged official site:

On ModB:

--Lord of the rings Conquest stuff--
How to install the game (Conquest) and play online:

Conquest Community Discord Server:

Conquest Re-Imagined (remaster) Discord Server:

Conquest Re-Imagined Official Website:

--Pc Specs--
Windows: Windows 10 (64 bits)
Ram: 16GB
Intel(R) Core(Tm) i7-7700k CPU@ 4.20GHz 4.20GHz
Graphics card:
Nvidia geforce graphics card GTX 1060 6GBa
Z2700F Gaming

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#AzerothWars #AzerothReinvented #Woar #WorldOfAzerothReborn #mastero #MasteroBfme
#MasteroLotr #MasteroWc #MasteroWc3 #BurningLegion