9.1.5 Blood DK Guide: BIG TANKING

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The 9.1.5 blood dk guide is finally here! Better late than never and we got you covered with talents, gear, soulbinds, legendaries, the blood dk 9.1 rotation and much much more to get you started. You will have a blast in raiding if that’s your jam but the 9.1.5 blood dk m+ is pure fun too! All in all this is a great way to learn how to play blood dk and if this helped in any way, be sure to drop a like to MarcelianOnline as more shadowlands lass guides are coming!

00:00 Intro
02:14 Talents
07:33 Stats & Consumables
10:18 Soulbinds & Conduits
16:10 Gear & Legendaries
19:59 Rotation
23:02 Outro

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