World Of Warcraft Legion Patch 7.3 - Seat of the Triumvirate 5 Player Dungeon Guide

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World Of Warcraft Legion Patch 7.3
Seat of the Triumvirate 5 Player Dungeon Guide

The Seat of the Triumvirate is the brand new dungeon in patch 7.3 and was opened this week. I run through all of the bosses and the abilities they use so you can go in a little more prepared!

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Following recent events in the Broken Isles, a link has been created between Azeroth and Kil'jaeden's homeworld of Argus, bringing the Burning Legion closer than ever to destroying Azeroth. In order to stop them once and for all, Illidan and Velen are taking the war directly to the surface of Argus, where they hope to join forces with Alleria, Turalyon, and the Army of the Light to launch an all-out assault on the Legion's primary base of operations.

Board the Vindicaar, a vessel that will serve as your mobile base of operations on Argus, as well as one of your few safe havens on the planet.

As you explore Argus, you'll visit new locations across the planet, experiencing the epic conclusion to the Legion storyline and unlocking new world quests and other content along the way.

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World Of Warcraft Legion Patch 7.3
Seat of the Triumvirate 5 Player Dungeon Guide