SHADOWLANDS MM IS INSANE - Marksmanship Hunter PvP (WoW 9.0 Warsong Gulch Battleground)

18 194
WoW Shadowlands Marksman Hunter is an absolute beast, and you know what? When you look at the all aspects of the spec, It may not need a nerf.... FUN FACT: This was my first Shadowlands BG win!!

I had planned to give my full opinion and feedback on 9.0 MM in this video, but I received a few comments and DM's from people who weren't able to even play the pre-patch due to login issues that Blizzard have had over the past two days. So I decided to just release this with no editing to provide at least something for those who weren't able to play MM to watch!

Intro - Pre-Game (Gear Check / Talents) 00:00
Lets Go! (PvP Gameplay) 00:54
Scoreboards (Kills / Deaths / Honourable Kills / Objectives) 15:35

#WoWPvP #Shadowlands #HunterPvP

This MENVCE Gaming Walkthrough will use text commentary only, no audio commentary. This text commentary style is ideal for those who are hearing impaired or who seek a distraction free gaming experience.
