10.1.5 0 to 1800 Retribution Paladin - WoW Dragonflight Solo Shuffle PvP Guide

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Hello peeps, we got a 0 to 1800 video here, the video series where I show you my journey towards 0 to 1800 in the Solo Shuffle on a certain spec to get the elite PvP set. I know Enhance and DH got voted first as far as guide-like videos, but I did not get to make one last season for Retribution so here it is. I hope you enjoy! How are you enjoying Dragonflight S2 PvP these days?

Enchants: Sophic Devotion. Sustained Strength. Back/Wrist/Feet: Speed. Rings: Versatility.


Addon Video:

Intro 00:00
Why Play Ret? 00:30
Gearing Acquisition 00:46
Gearing 01:39
Crafted Items 01:54
Enchants 02:17
Little Note 02:30
Talent Builds 03:04
Rotation 07:29
08:58 Tips n Tricks
Gameplay Analysis 11:12
Outro 24:38