Havoc Demon Hunter Essence Break Combo EXPLAINED in Detail | How to MAXIMIZE Your DPS
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Havoc Demon Hunter has changed a LOT since I started playing it in Battle For Azeroth. The gameplay has gone from smashing your keyboard with an open hand and eating a hot pocket with the other one, to staring intently at your screen, closely monitoring buff uptimes and hitting a series of buttons that even a polydactyl Chimp would struggle with (That means its a lot of buttons to press).
THANKFULLY it’s not THAT hard once you understand it and once you master it, it’ll feel like second nature.
The Essence Break Combo is a crucial part of many of the popular builds you see people playing at the moment. Basically any build that goes down the left side of the talent tree will be utilising this series of abilities. Of course there are some builds that do things a little differently - but that’s a topic for another video.
So the basic idea of the EssB combo is this - You’re lining up Demonic, the Initiative Buff, the Momentum Buff AND Essence Break to do a MASSIVE amount of damage within a short amount of time.
For context, Initiative gives 12% extra crit chance which also feeds into crit damage through Know Your Enemy, Momentum is an extra 8% damage and Essence Break increases Annihilation and Death Sweep damage by a whopping 80%.
Sounds like a lot of damage right? Well it is, but you need to use your abilities in a certain order to make sure all of those buffs line up properly.
For the sake of demonstration, we’ll be using the standard M+ AoE build. You can find the import string along with a cheat sheet in my discord - link is in the description.
So as you can see, this build has the entire left side of the talent tree selected - the talents that make this function like it does. We have Initiative to give us crit when we engage a new mob and when we Vengeful Retreat, Unbound Chaos for more fel rush damage, Tactical Retreat to reduce the cooldown on vengeful retreat and make it generate 80 fury, Momentum for the 8% damage buff which is naturally triggered by vengeful retreat, Know Your Enemy for extra crit damage which works hand-in-hand with Initiative and finally, Essence Break.
With all this in mind, the opener looks like this - (I’m going to not include Throw Glaive in this explanation because there are variations of the build that don’t spec into the Throw Glaive talents or might have Glaive Tempest instead. Essentially Throw Glaive or Glaive Tempest would be slotted in right before your first Eye Beam and after your 2nd Death Sweep).
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Havoc Demon Hunter has changed a LOT since I started playing it in Battle For Azeroth. The gameplay has gone from smashing your keyboard with an open hand and eating a hot pocket with the other one, to staring intently at your screen, closely monitoring buff uptimes and hitting a series of buttons that even a polydactyl Chimp would struggle with (That means its a lot of buttons to press).
THANKFULLY it’s not THAT hard once you understand it and once you master it, it’ll feel like second nature.
The Essence Break Combo is a crucial part of many of the popular builds you see people playing at the moment. Basically any build that goes down the left side of the talent tree will be utilising this series of abilities. Of course there are some builds that do things a little differently - but that’s a topic for another video.
So the basic idea of the EssB combo is this - You’re lining up Demonic, the Initiative Buff, the Momentum Buff AND Essence Break to do a MASSIVE amount of damage within a short amount of time.
For context, Initiative gives 12% extra crit chance which also feeds into crit damage through Know Your Enemy, Momentum is an extra 8% damage and Essence Break increases Annihilation and Death Sweep damage by a whopping 80%.
Sounds like a lot of damage right? Well it is, but you need to use your abilities in a certain order to make sure all of those buffs line up properly.
For the sake of demonstration, we’ll be using the standard M+ AoE build. You can find the import string along with a cheat sheet in my discord - link is in the description.
So as you can see, this build has the entire left side of the talent tree selected - the talents that make this function like it does. We have Initiative to give us crit when we engage a new mob and when we Vengeful Retreat, Unbound Chaos for more fel rush damage, Tactical Retreat to reduce the cooldown on vengeful retreat and make it generate 80 fury, Momentum for the 8% damage buff which is naturally triggered by vengeful retreat, Know Your Enemy for extra crit damage which works hand-in-hand with Initiative and finally, Essence Break.
With all this in mind, the opener looks like this - (I’m going to not include Throw Glaive in this explanation because there are variations of the build that don’t spec into the Throw Glaive talents or might have Glaive Tempest instead. Essentially Throw Glaive or Glaive Tempest would be slotted in right before your first Eye Beam and after your 2nd Death Sweep).
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