Scourge Campaign - 50m25s - Warcraft 3 Reforged Speedrun (World Record)

8 276
Difficulty: Normal Total in game time 42m59s

Others campaign speedruns:

changes from classic:
-M8 activating an obelisk does 250 damage to all enemy buildings which helps a little bit vs the 3 final towers
-items with charge are stackable which is now REALLY useful
-can't use the "chapter skip" by leaving the mission when main quest is completed
-ennemies have 80% of their health instead of 100% in classic and do 80% damage (don't ask me why)

0:00 King Arthas 4m59s
6:17 The Flight from Lordaeron 2m11s
9:29 The Dark Lady 3m27s
14:10 The Return to Northrend 3m09s
18:15 Dreadlord's fall 7m43s
26:45 A New Power in Lordaeron 4m34s
31:53 Into the Shadow Web Caverns 3m36s
36:00 The Forgotten Ones 5m18s
41:35 Ascent to the Upper Kingdom 3m35s
46:07 A Symphony of Frost and Flame 4m27s
Total in game time (without the fucking reforged long load times) 42m59s

nearly perfect run :)

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