World of Warcraft Guide - 100% Drop Rate Mounts

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A video guide on how to obtain all of 100% drop rate mounts in World of Warcraft! I hope you will enjoy the video! This is a quick and easy guide If you want a more detailed guide let me know in the comments below! There is a written guide under details!

I will go through all 100% drop rate World of Warcraft mounts, showing you how to obtain them through this guide!

Throughout this guide I will walkthrough the guide and you will learn how-to obtain the following wow mounts!

1. Reins of the Twilight Drake 0:49

► Fly to Dragonblight in Nothern
►Fly under the Wyrmrest temple (Middle of the map)
► Set raid to 25-man
► Kill boss with 3 mini drakes alive
► Obtain mount

2. Reins of the Black Drake 1:23

► Fly to Dragonblight in Nothern
►Fly under the Wyrmrest temple (Middle of the map)
► Set raid to 10-man
► Kill boss with 3 mini drakes alive
► Obtain mount

3. Amani Battle Bear 2:04

► Fly to Ghostlands
► Set dungeon to heroic
► 15 mins timer starts when you start the event.
► Time gets added when you kill a boss.
► Reach and kill Halazzi before the timer runs out.
►►Akil'zon - Nalorakk - Jan'alai - Halazzi.
► Talk to Kasha and she will break some urns
► Obtain mount.

4. Reins of the Bronze Drake 3:04


►Take the portal to Tanaris
►►Portal is located in the middle of Dalaran (Legion)
►Talk to the dragon or fly down to Caverns of Time
► Enter the dungeon
► Talk to Chromie and start the event.
►►Break 5x boxes.
► Talk to Arthas
►► He will start RP
►►Follow him inside the city
► 25 min timer will start
►►Clear 10 waves of mobs and 2 bosses (Waves shown on you mini map as a white flag)
►Talk to arthas once again and follow him.
►► Kill the 3rd boss.
► Talk to Arthas and follow him.
► Clear the pathway towards the last boss!
►►Before reaching the last boss turn left instead of right to the boss room.
►Kill the Infinite Corruptor!
►Obtain mount

5. Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent 4:29

► Get to Vale of The Eternal Blossoms
► Gather 10x Skyshards in Vale of The Eternal Blossoms
► Turn 10x Skyshards into 1 Skycrystal
► Use the Skycrystal on Alani
► Kill it!
► Obtain Mount!

6. Bloodhoof Bull 4:57

► Drops of Nakk the Thunderer
► Location: Nagrand, Check Video!

7. Mottled Meadowstomper 5:13

► Drops of Luk'hok
► Location: Nagrand, Check Video!

8. Great Greytusk 5:25

► Drops of Gorok
► Location: Frostfire Ridge, Check Video!

9. Garn Nighthowl 5:42

► Drops of Nok-Karosh
► Location: Frostfire Ridge, Check Video!
► You can buy it of the auctionhouse

10. Sunhide Gronnling 5:56

► Drops of Poundfist
► Location: Gorgrond, Check Video!

11. Sapphire Riverbeast 6:11

► Drops of Silthide
► Location: Talador, Check Video!

12. Swift Breezestrider 6:28

► Drops of Pathrunner
► Location: Shadowmoon Vally, Check Video!

13. Reins of the Phosphorescent Stone Drake 6:41

► Drops of Aeonaxx
► Location: Deepholm, Check Video!
► Portal located in SW or Ogr.

14. Reins of Poseidus 7:07

► Drops of Poseidus
► Location: Vashj'ir, Check Video!
► Portal located in SW or Ogr.

15. Reins of the Time-Lost Proto-Drake 7:26

► Drops of Time Lost Drake
► Location: Storm Preaks , Check Video!
► Good luck! You will need it!

In the fist section of the video we are going to take a look at the mounts you can obtain easily and then we are going to take a look at the rare spawns that has a 100% drop on a mount, however there is a catch, you have to find the rare and kill it which can be tricky especially because a lot of people might still be farming that particular mount that you want.

The main goal of this video is for you to have all of the 100% drop rate mounts in one video showing you how and where to obtain them in this easy to follow world of warcraft how-to guide.

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Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
Music provided by Audio Library