World of Warcraft Complete Beginner Guide (Retail)

806 973
0. Video Start- 0:00
1. free trial, purchasing the game, rfa & expansions- 1:31
2. microtransactions- 4:35
3. realm system- 6:21
4. character creation, factions & max level- 7:26
5. races- 10:28
6. classes & specializations- 19:27
7. User Interface- 34:48
8. Addons- 52:31
9. inventory & banking - 53:43
10. titles & reputation- 55:41
11. keybinding & movement- 59:08
12. macros- 1:04:52
13. guilds & communities- 1:08:04
14. gearing, stats, item level, durability & rarity- 1:11:56
15. interacting with the world- 1:22:27
16. combat & tab targeting- 1:25:13
17. the holy trinity (roles)- 1:32:24
18. specialization & talents- 1:34:29
19. aggro/threat- 1:38:44
20. Rotation- 1:44:11
21. enemies & rarity- 1:47:28
22. healing- 1:50:00
23. quests & leveling up- 1:51:54
24. dungeons & raids- 1:54:31
25. setting instance difficulty & instance locking- 1:59:16
26. player vs player- 2:00:53
27. professions- 2:04:07
28. pet battles- 2:07:28
29. auction house- 2:09:09
30. mounts- 2:10:35
31. transmog- 2:13:16
32. website resources- 2:15:17
33. Group types- 2:19:26
34. Flight Paths & Hearthstone- 2:20:55
35. CC & Diminishing returns- 2:23:22
36. Misc (faction cities, rested exp, mail, binding, death)- 2:26:33
37. closing remarks- 2:32:29

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This guide that teaches you about every aspect of World of Warcraft (Retail) a beginner could want to know took me a long time to make, but I could not be any more proud of the finished product. I really think this guide is going to be the one-stop shop for anyone starting in WoW (at least that was my goal), and can be a resource that you can always come back and check whenever you have a question regarding the game. I hope all of the information in this guide is laid out in such a way that is easy to understand and makes sense to everyone, and all of this information will be relevant in WoW Shadowlands in addition to Battle for Azeroth!

I time stamped the entire WoW tutorial so it can be referred to and looked at as needed. Don’t think of it as a video you need to watch straight through, but rather a “help manual” that you can always look at and refer to whenever you need help with something.

I poured a ton of time and effort into this video, and I hope you all enjoy it!

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● Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
● All trademarks and registered trademarks present in this video are proprietary to their copyright holders, and the inclusion of them in this video does not imply affiliation with Dottz Gaming. The use of the gameplay, audio, video and images in this video and any present in the thumbnail are believed to fall under the “fair use” clause of the United States of America copyright law. If there is an issue with their inclusion in this video (and you're the copyright holder), please contact Dottz Gaming and the video will be removed at your request. Also, some of the links in the description of this video are affiliate links for Amazon Associates or other affiliate programs, which result in commission earned on qualifying purchases without adding anything to your cost. In addition, this video, as well as all videos on my channel, are not made for kids or under-aged viewers.

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