Classic TBC's Phase 5 is Looking INSANELY Good!
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Classic WoW / Classic TBC Burning Crusade: Classic TBC's Phase 5 is Looking INSANELY Good!
Sunwell Plateau, Magister's Terrace and the Isle of Quel'Danas just went live for testing on the PTR for Classic TBC, and we had the chance to spend a few hours testing all of that content while high end guilds gave us a pretty good look at the difficulty of Sunwell itself, and it's looking quite promising!
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Isle of Quel'Danas
02:52 - Magister's Terrace
04:23 - Sunwell Plateau
05:06 - Time Gating?
06:29 - TBC Rushed?
08:37 - Outro
Sunwell Plateau, Magister's Terrace and the Isle of Quel'Danas just went live for testing on the PTR for Classic TBC, and we had the chance to spend a few hours testing all of that content while high end guilds gave us a pretty good look at the difficulty of Sunwell itself, and it's looking quite promising!
00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Isle of Quel'Danas
02:52 - Magister's Terrace
04:23 - Sunwell Plateau
05:06 - Time Gating?
06:29 - TBC Rushed?
08:37 - Outro