Paladin Tanks Archimonde and Kalecgos - Invisusira (WoW)
26 047
Archimonde in Mount Hyjal and Kalecgos in Sunwell Plateau.
Just a quick little video before we all delve into Wrath of the Lich King!
We haven't been raiding for a few months now - as with a lot of guilds, people lost interest in the game and got bored waiting for new content. In these last few days, however, people have managed to log on for a bit of fun. =D
Music is "Gamen" by the Swedish group Garmarna.
Just a quick little video before we all delve into Wrath of the Lich King!
We haven't been raiding for a few months now - as with a lot of guilds, people lost interest in the game and got bored waiting for new content. In these last few days, however, people have managed to log on for a bit of fun. =D
Music is "Gamen" by the Swedish group Garmarna.