Seeth: Extreme 2600 Havoc Demon Hunter PVP 1.0 [7.3.0 Legion]

126 032
Macros Are Here Below ENJOY !

Streamers are Rank 1 Hansol / Xaryu and yo boy Bajheera. All is well good games boys!

Kick Focus

/cast [target=focus]consume magic

Practice this rotation

/castsequence reset=2 Throw Glaive ,Throw Glaive ,Fel Rush, Fel rush, Fel Barrage, FelBlade, Chaos Strike ,Chaos Strike, throw glaive ,chaos strike, Chaos strike, Fel barrage, Felblade, Throwglaive ,

CC for Focus

/cast [target=focus]Imprison

Artifact Burst

/cast Fury of the Illidari(Artifact)
/cast Chaos Blades
/cast Nemesis
/use Gunpowder Charge
/use Fearless Gladiator's Badge of Conquest