A NEW MAGIC Is Coming! VOID MAGE Class/Spec Soon?!
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Blizzard has been working on creating a brand new magic that is separate from the void we know!
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Music: www.audiomicro.com
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Recently we got some really interesting visuals from Blizzard's VFX artist and his creation of the cosmic void magic which is evidently quite different from the void that we know of and the Old God magics that we had seen.
What really is this magic, how is it different from what the shadow priests and warlocks are wielding? Furthermore with all this development of these new spells it is likely that this is going to exist much further than 10.1 and Sarkareth fight which could lead to a new cosmic void class or a spec!
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I'd be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at doronproductionfilms@hotmail.com
Blizzard has been working on creating a brand new magic that is separate from the void we know!
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Music: www.audiomicro.com
Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound:
Recently we got some really interesting visuals from Blizzard's VFX artist and his creation of the cosmic void magic which is evidently quite different from the void that we know of and the Old God magics that we had seen.
What really is this magic, how is it different from what the shadow priests and warlocks are wielding? Furthermore with all this development of these new spells it is likely that this is going to exist much further than 10.1 and Sarkareth fight which could lead to a new cosmic void class or a spec!
All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I'd be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at doronproductionfilms@hotmail.com