HUGE Dungeon LORE REVEALS! Dragonriding EVERYWHERE! The Incredible 10.1.5 Announcement
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World of Warcraft patch 10.1.5, Fractures in Time has been revealed in a Blizzard development article and is on the PTR now! New mythic mega-dungeon Dawn of the infinite sees Galakrond, Iridikron, evil Chromie Morchie and huge Horde vs Alliance Battles with Anduin Lothar and Grommash Hellscream in the cosmic timeways, with some HUGE lore implications. The new secret third Augmentation Evoker spec is REAL and being tested right now on the PTR - but where will this new bard type buff class fit in exactly? All this and Dragon Riding WITH YOUR OLD MOUNTS in Kalimdor and, it seems, everywhere else in the old world too! New Rifts in Time send us to adventure in the Black Empire, Argus, Robot Azeroth, Scourge Azeroth and Demon Azeroth... it's just awesome, and postitions Dragonflight as perhaps the best expansion ever. Join Taliesin and Evitel for the Weekly Reset. knowledge is power
► Wowhead Articles
Dragonriding in Patch 10.1.5 - Old World, More Mounts, and Flight Styles
New Time Rift World Event Mounts in Patch 10.1.5 Fractures in Time
Augmentation Evoker Talent Tree Now Available in Wowhead Talent Calculator
New Warlock Imp Customizations in Patch 10.1.5
► MrGM's Time Rift Tweet
► Ellie's Flying Mount Animation Datamine
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Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard
► Chapters
00:00 Intro
02:02 Fractures In Time Lore Explained
08:24 Augmentation Evokers - Where Do They Fit?
11:41 Dragonriding in the Old World & Mounts
14:22 Time Rifts Maps Preview
15:39 Dragonflight is the Best Expansion
► Wowhead Articles
Dragonriding in Patch 10.1.5 - Old World, More Mounts, and Flight Styles
New Time Rift World Event Mounts in Patch 10.1.5 Fractures in Time
Augmentation Evoker Talent Tree Now Available in Wowhead Talent Calculator
New Warlock Imp Customizations in Patch 10.1.5
► MrGM's Time Rift Tweet
► Ellie's Flying Mount Animation Datamine
► Our Second Channel:
► Twitch:
► Taliesin & Evitel Twitter:
► Taliesin & Evitel Patreon:
► T&E Merchandise:
Theme Music by Jay the Bard: @Jaythebard
► Chapters
00:00 Intro
02:02 Fractures In Time Lore Explained
08:24 Augmentation Evokers - Where Do They Fit?
11:41 Dragonriding in the Old World & Mounts
14:22 Time Rifts Maps Preview
15:39 Dragonflight is the Best Expansion