The Boss Lore Of Antorus, The Burning Throne: World Of Warcraft Legion

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World of Warcraft Legion offers up the final raid of the expansion before 7.3.5 and then Battle For Azeroth. Antorus the Burning Throne has some of the most important bosses in the history of the game. Let us guide you through the lore demons and Titans that make up the bosses of the end of Argus.

01:38 Garothi Worldbreaker
02:09 Kin'Garoth
03:22 Felhounds of Sargeras
03:54 Antoran High Command
05:24 Portal Keeper Hasabel
06:46 Varimathras
08:44 Imonar The Soulhunter
11:18 The Coven of Shivarra
12:49 Eonar The Lifebinder
13:45 Aggramar
15:18 Argus the Unmaker
16:32 Sargeras

Thanks for permission to use their amazing PTR footage:
Hazelnutty Games:
