Havoc Demon Hunter Dragonflight Prepatch Raid/M+ Build Guide
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Alright, so we’ve had some time to sit with the Dragonflight Prepatch!
We fixed our UI’s, updated all of our Addons and Weakauras
But now it’s time to buckle down and learn our talent trees
This video is gonna go over the Single Target Raid Build
Which can actually be used in a lot of situations outside of just “Single Target”
With a few tweaks!
We’ll be going over all the talents and why we’re taking them
The legendary choice
Soulbind and Conduits
Stat priority
Opener and rotation
Stat Priority
Our stat priority has definitely changed going into Dragonflight but this build is a mix of old and new. Because we’re playing Cycle of Hatred and Shattered Destiny, Haste is actually pretty useful because it allows us to spend more fury, resulting in more Demonic uptime. We also want to have a good amount of Mastery because a lot of our abilities are Chaos damage now, including Blade Dance.
Mastery, Haste, Crit
Opener & Rotation
Immolation Aura
The Hunt
Fel Rush
Sinful Brand
Eye Beam
Vengeful Retreat
Eye Beam
Your normal rotation is exactly what you’re used to but with a twist. Get into Demonic via Eye Beam, prioritise DS inside of Demonic.
Use Vengeful Retreat to proc Initiative
Use Blade Dances and Chaos Strikes to reset Eye Beam
Extend Sinful Brand with Eye Beam
Spend Unbound Chaos charges with Fel Rush
Now for the bonus stuff that I promised you
FIRST - there is a VISUAL CHEAT SHEET for this build pinned in my discord. I’ll show it to you guys here on screen but if you want to download this for your own use, keep it on your 2nd monitor or whatever - it’s in my discord. Link is in the description.
SECOND - Some bits of advice for playing this build. Try to plan out your Initiative windows. Because your Eye Beams are always GUARANTEED critical strikes, there’s no point in using Vengeful Retreat and then following it up with an Eye Beam, right?
So NEVER use Eye Beam inside of your Initiative window. Try to use The Hunt or DS, even if it means holding them for a couple seconds to allow them to line up.
The last tip I have for you is that you CAN actually use this build in M+, believe it or not. It does quite a bit of damage to bosses and even small to medium sized trash packs due to its passive cleave.
OR you could drop Isolated Prey, put that point into Improved Fel Rush, Take Restless Hunter instead of Inner Demon which would allow you to go into Glaive Tempest instead.
Alternatively, you can just drop Isolated Prey and put that point into Netherwalk or Fel Eruption if you want that extra utility in keys.
It’s totally up to you! I encourage you to try things out for yourself and find what you prefer the best.
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dalaran gaming, vault of the incarnates, demon hunter dragonflight, havoc dh dragonflight, jedith
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Alright, so we’ve had some time to sit with the Dragonflight Prepatch!
We fixed our UI’s, updated all of our Addons and Weakauras
But now it’s time to buckle down and learn our talent trees
This video is gonna go over the Single Target Raid Build
Which can actually be used in a lot of situations outside of just “Single Target”
With a few tweaks!
We’ll be going over all the talents and why we’re taking them
The legendary choice
Soulbind and Conduits
Stat priority
Opener and rotation
Stat Priority
Our stat priority has definitely changed going into Dragonflight but this build is a mix of old and new. Because we’re playing Cycle of Hatred and Shattered Destiny, Haste is actually pretty useful because it allows us to spend more fury, resulting in more Demonic uptime. We also want to have a good amount of Mastery because a lot of our abilities are Chaos damage now, including Blade Dance.
Mastery, Haste, Crit
Opener & Rotation
Immolation Aura
The Hunt
Fel Rush
Sinful Brand
Eye Beam
Vengeful Retreat
Eye Beam
Your normal rotation is exactly what you’re used to but with a twist. Get into Demonic via Eye Beam, prioritise DS inside of Demonic.
Use Vengeful Retreat to proc Initiative
Use Blade Dances and Chaos Strikes to reset Eye Beam
Extend Sinful Brand with Eye Beam
Spend Unbound Chaos charges with Fel Rush
Now for the bonus stuff that I promised you
FIRST - there is a VISUAL CHEAT SHEET for this build pinned in my discord. I’ll show it to you guys here on screen but if you want to download this for your own use, keep it on your 2nd monitor or whatever - it’s in my discord. Link is in the description.
SECOND - Some bits of advice for playing this build. Try to plan out your Initiative windows. Because your Eye Beams are always GUARANTEED critical strikes, there’s no point in using Vengeful Retreat and then following it up with an Eye Beam, right?
So NEVER use Eye Beam inside of your Initiative window. Try to use The Hunt or DS, even if it means holding them for a couple seconds to allow them to line up.
The last tip I have for you is that you CAN actually use this build in M+, believe it or not. It does quite a bit of damage to bosses and even small to medium sized trash packs due to its passive cleave.
OR you could drop Isolated Prey, put that point into Improved Fel Rush, Take Restless Hunter instead of Inner Demon which would allow you to go into Glaive Tempest instead.
Alternatively, you can just drop Isolated Prey and put that point into Netherwalk or Fel Eruption if you want that extra utility in keys.
It’s totally up to you! I encourage you to try things out for yourself and find what you prefer the best.
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#warcraft #worldofwarcraft #dragonflight
dalaran gaming, vault of the incarnates, demon hunter dragonflight, havoc dh dragonflight, jedith