Lore Recap: All the Lore of Warlords of Draenor
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This video covers the events of Garrosh Hellscream's trial in Pandaria, the creation of the Iron Horde, and ensuing battles between the Iron Horde and the Heroes of Azeroth in Alternate Draenor.
0:00 Intro
00:59 Previously in Warcraft
2:37 Trial of Garrosh
5:00 The Iron Horde
6:47 Iron March
9:23 Shadowmoon Valley
12:09 Frostfire Ridge
14:31 Talador
16:06 Battle of Shattrath
18:00 Shadow Council
19:26 Nagrand
20:19 Tanaan Jungle
21:51 Fel Horde
22:54 Hellfire
24:35 Outro
25:20 Patreon
All cards were created on www.hearthcards.net using photos from either Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, Frozen Throne, Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft, or art acquired from wow.gamepedia.com/Wowpedia. If any of the artists or owners of any images used would like their art removed please feel free to contact me and I'll swap it out.
All footage and music used was taken from the properties created and owned by Blizzard Entertainment. Including World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Shadowlands.
There is no longer a patreon account
#Warcraft #Lore #Warlords
0:00 Intro
00:59 Previously in Warcraft
2:37 Trial of Garrosh
5:00 The Iron Horde
6:47 Iron March
9:23 Shadowmoon Valley
12:09 Frostfire Ridge
14:31 Talador
16:06 Battle of Shattrath
18:00 Shadow Council
19:26 Nagrand
20:19 Tanaan Jungle
21:51 Fel Horde
22:54 Hellfire
24:35 Outro
25:20 Patreon
All cards were created on www.hearthcards.net using photos from either Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, Frozen Throne, Blizzard Entertainment's World of Warcraft, or art acquired from wow.gamepedia.com/Wowpedia. If any of the artists or owners of any images used would like their art removed please feel free to contact me and I'll swap it out.
All footage and music used was taken from the properties created and owned by Blizzard Entertainment. Including World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, and Shadowlands.
There is no longer a patreon account
#Warcraft #Lore #Warlords