Shadowlands 9.0.2 Marksmanship Hunter PVP Guide in under 10 minutes | WoW

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Everything you need to know about Marksmanship Hunters to help you get ready to hop into PVP for the Shadowlands in under 10 minutes!

0:00 - Intro
0:24 - Best Race
1:24 - Talents
3:13 - PVP Talents
4:42 - Legendaries
5:54 - Covenant System Explained
6:46 - Best Covenant, Soulbinds, and Conduits
8:11 - Rotation and Pets


💀Marksmanship One Shot Montage:
🏹Marksmanship Hunter Duels (Part1):
🏹Marksmanship Hunter Duels (Part 2):
❗Survival Duels with a Bow:
⚡Marksmanship 2v2 ft. Lvladen :
⚡Marksmanship 2v2 ft. Imitlol:


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