31 World First Kills in World of Warcraft (With Guild Voice Chat)
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Today I bring you 31 WORLD FIRST KILLS (With guild voice chat reactions) from World of Warcraft. Watch the BEST GUILDS IN THE WORLD defeat incredibly difficult bosses, yell with happiness, and enjoy this epic video covering WoW boss kills all across the planet!
Please note: These were not ordered by difficulty (of boss), but more difficult bosses & best reactions are earlier in the video :)
31: Mythic World First Gul'Dan, by Exorsus
30: Mythic World First G'huun, by Method
29: Mythic World First Argus the Unmaker, by Method
28: Mythic World First Kil'jaeden, by Method
27: World First Lei Shen (10H), by DREAM Paragon
26: Mythic World First Imperator Mar'gok, by DREAM Paragon
25: World First Garrosh Hellscream (10H), by DREAM Paragon
24: Mythic World First Archimonde, by Method
23: Mythic World First Helya, by Method
22: Mythic World First Blackhand, by Method
21: World First Garrosh Hellscream (25H), by Method
20: World First Ragnaros (25H), by DREAM Paragon
19: World First Lei Shen (25H), by Method
18: World First Ra'den (25H), by Method
17: World First Durumu (25H), by Blood Legion
16: World First Will of the Emperor (25H), by Method
15: World First Grand Empress Shek'zeer (25H), by Blood Legion
14: World First Mimiron Hardmode, by Ensidia
13: Mythic World First Iron Maidens, by Midwinter
12: World First Lich King (25 Hardmode), by DREAM Paragon
11: World First Elegon (25H), by Blood Legion
10: World First Paragons of the Klaxxi (25H), by Method
9: World First Twin Consorts (25H), by Blood Legion
8: Mythic World First Cenarius, by Exorsus
7: Mythic World First Xavius, by Exorsus
6: World First Anub'arak (25H), by DREAM Paragon
5: Mythic World First Il'gynoth, by Exorsus
4: Mythic World First Dragons of Nightmare, by Midwinter
3: Mythic World First Ursoc, by Midwinter
2: Mythic World First Odyn, by SNF (Smitus n Friends)
1: Mythic World First Guarm, by Limit
Please note: These were not ordered by difficulty (of boss), but more difficult bosses & best reactions are earlier in the video :)
31: Mythic World First Gul'Dan, by Exorsus
30: Mythic World First G'huun, by Method
29: Mythic World First Argus the Unmaker, by Method
28: Mythic World First Kil'jaeden, by Method
27: World First Lei Shen (10H), by DREAM Paragon
26: Mythic World First Imperator Mar'gok, by DREAM Paragon
25: World First Garrosh Hellscream (10H), by DREAM Paragon
24: Mythic World First Archimonde, by Method
23: Mythic World First Helya, by Method
22: Mythic World First Blackhand, by Method
21: World First Garrosh Hellscream (25H), by Method
20: World First Ragnaros (25H), by DREAM Paragon
19: World First Lei Shen (25H), by Method
18: World First Ra'den (25H), by Method
17: World First Durumu (25H), by Blood Legion
16: World First Will of the Emperor (25H), by Method
15: World First Grand Empress Shek'zeer (25H), by Blood Legion
14: World First Mimiron Hardmode, by Ensidia
13: Mythic World First Iron Maidens, by Midwinter
12: World First Lich King (25 Hardmode), by DREAM Paragon
11: World First Elegon (25H), by Blood Legion
10: World First Paragons of the Klaxxi (25H), by Method
9: World First Twin Consorts (25H), by Blood Legion
8: Mythic World First Cenarius, by Exorsus
7: Mythic World First Xavius, by Exorsus
6: World First Anub'arak (25H), by DREAM Paragon
5: Mythic World First Il'gynoth, by Exorsus
4: Mythic World First Dragons of Nightmare, by Midwinter
3: Mythic World First Ursoc, by Midwinter
2: Mythic World First Odyn, by SNF (Smitus n Friends)
1: Mythic World First Guarm, by Limit