Warcraft IV: Crown of the Quel'thalas 08 (Ending) - A Passage of Joy and Sorrow

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Warcraft IV: Crown of the Quel'thalas
Warcraft IV: Crown of the Quel'thalas 08
Warcraft IV: Crown of the Quel'thalas 08 (Ending)
Warcraft IV: Crown of the Quel'thalas 08 (Ending) - A Passage of Joy and Sorrow
Crown of the Quel'thalas 08 (Ending) - A Passage of Joy and Sorrow
Crown of the Quel'thalas 08 (Ending)
Crown of the Quel'thalas 08

After the terrible duel with Arthas ended: Lord Illidan fell--but this is unknown to his followers except for the Naga due to their adept scouting skills. Following Illidan's fall, Arthas successfully merged with his predecessor to form: the ultimate hand of death and decay. Further to this--for an unknown reason, the naga have vanished.
Eight hours later, Prince Kael was still waiting for the scout he sent in order to find the wretched fate of Lord Illidan...

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(Prince Kael'thas) is the Patriarch of the Blood Elves. Kael's primary aim is to locate the Sunwell's alternative. His magical spells are more destructive than floods, volcanoes and plagues.

(Sylvanas Windrunner) is the Banshee Queen of the Forsaken...Sylvanas once used a single arrow to stun Arthas. She is perhaps one of the strongest undead on Azeroth.

(Kel'Thuzad) is the Second-in-Command of the Undead Scourge. It's unknown where he was while Sylvanas was fighting the dreadlords. The moment for his return has arrived.

(Varimathras) is an elite Dreadlord--after killing Balnazzar his powers multiplied. With these powers will he still serve Sylvanas? Will he conquer Azeroth with these powers? Time will tell!

(The Prophet) is a powerful being accomplishing an unknown mission. He played a major role during the Third War. No one witnessed him after Archimonde's ascent. It is unknown where he is and what he is doing.

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