FrankstaH vs Archimonde - Endless TBC - Supertuned 10.8 millionHP - POV Arcane
9 767
Current Guild: First Time Game (Endless TBC)
Follow me on twitch -
I will be streaming all content on TBC classic release :)
FrankstaH Arcane Mage POV
Previous Guilds
Curse.EU / SK-Gaming
10th kill or so, never recorded previously just thought i'd get one
Endless TBC Supertuned private server 2.4.3
Follow me on twitch -
I will be streaming all content on TBC classic release :)
FrankstaH Arcane Mage POV
Previous Guilds
Curse.EU / SK-Gaming
10th kill or so, never recorded previously just thought i'd get one
Endless TBC Supertuned private server 2.4.3