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Check the Shadowlands Vengeance DH Guide to learn all about talents, gear, states, covenants, the vengeance dh legendary options and last but not least, the shadowlands vengeance dh rotation! It’s no secret that vengeance demon hunter is absolutely blasting mythic+ with high sustain and high dps and all though this is more than a vengeance dh guide m+, we still focus on the basics so you can handle yourself in both raids and dungeons. With kyrian as the main vengeance demon hunter shadowlands covenant and a couple of awesome conduits and builds, you can be sure to learn how to play vengeance dh in no time :) Stick to MarcelianOnline for all of your class guides coming up!

00:00 Intro
02:05 Talents
07:40 Stats & Consumables
10:12 Soulbinds & Conduits
11:27 Gear & Legendaries
13:07 Rotation

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