30k Whirlwind AOE DMG [Insane PvP Combo] [Arms Warrior]

122 093
Today, we are going to test a rather insane warrior combo, that can melt groups of up to 5 people!

Special thanks to all my Patreon supporters, appreciate you all!
Arrazy-Stormscale (EU Servers)
Lightfang - Elune (US Servers)
Archâon - Moonguard (US Servers)
Jakmage - Ragnaros (EU Servers)
Aegîs - Ravencrest (EU Servers)
Plantagenant - Bladefist (US Servers)
Héliejah - Elune (EU Servers)
Ecoplex - EmeraldDream (US Servers)
Sankir - EmeraldDream (US Servers)
Darthmarva - Blackmoore (EU Servers)
Elyora - BurningBlade(EU Servers)


Special thanks to Lillekatta, the best thumbnail maker!

This combo has a lot of steps, especially if you are after the AOE whirlwind instead of single target.

The 3 most imporant pieces for this combo is the Merciless Bonegrinder (Conduit) for 60% damage on whirlwind after bladestorm.
Also the legendary Seismic Reverberation (if you hit 3 targets with Whirlwind it strikes them 1 more time for 80% of damage) Keep in mind that this is a single whirlwind hit (not 80% of the whole ability)
And lastly the Collateral Damage talent for Arms. For each target you hit with Sweeping Strikes, you gain 1 stack of 25% damage boost for Whirlwind.

You will keep the buff Collateral Damage even when you change spec and remove the talent. This allows you to change into Warbreaker to cause an AOE Colossus Smash. This will make all nearby enemies get the 30% damage taken debuff, aswell as Deep Wounds for even more damage taken (scaling with Mastery).

We want as much haste as possible to stack up Collateral Damage. We will use "In for the kill" talent to do an early Colossus smash for 10-20% haste boost. We are also going to use a haste set, aswell as drums for an even larger amount of haste.

Drums also has a really odd interaction with "Inscrutable Quantum Device"

This has many effects, but the "standard" one we are after, is a huge amount of secondary stats.
It usually has a 20 second duration, but if you use the trinket while under the effect of a heroism-like effect (including drums) it lasts for 25 seconds aswell as giving you a guarantee of your highest secondary stat.
Even more interesting is that the effect lasts even if you remove the trinket itself.

Both of these interactions, allows us to gain massive versatility from the Quantum Device, but also change trinket into a PvP one to get the 40% PvP bonus to versa.
We will also be able to have the effect from the Badge PvP trinket up at the same time as Quantum Device, since the global trinket CD is 20 seconds, but Quantum with heroism lasts for 25 seconds!

To summarize the whole AOE combo:

Start spawning Gently Squeezed Toad (or use other NPCs) to prepare Collateral Damage buff on yourself.
Afterwards, cast Ancient Aftershock for Grove Invigoration mastery boost (Night fae)
Change gear from haste set into your versa mastery one.
Now you use your Quantum Device trinket, and change it away afterwards for another trinket.
Use a tome of the still mind
Here is a macro to change talents into Warbreaker and Avatar
/run local function t(r,c)LearnTalent(GetTalentInfo(r,c,1))end t(1,2)t(2,3)t(3,2)t(4,2)t(5,2)t(6,2)t(7,2)

Then you Bladestorm for the conduit bonus, leap onto the enemy and use Warbreaker (and all other dmg CDs) followed by a massive Whirlwind!

If you wanna do this single target without as many "required" items, the steps are similar but easier. We are going to use Gently Squeezed Toads to boost the enemy target count to 3 (to be able to benefit from Legendary). We spawn the first toad on your Stormbolt, and then last one right before your whirlwind.

Thanks to the talent Fervor of Battle (you get a slam on your whirlwind), your damage done will be really good, that will "allow" us to leave out the talent swap, aswell as drums and Quantum Device.

You start the combo the same, stacking up Collateral Damage on NPCs. Then you Bladestorm to gain Conduit bonus.
You Stormbolt and toad spawn the enemy
Then you spend next global on Colossus Smash and CDs
Then finally you whirlwind and toad spawn to finish them off!

This combo will work to some degree in Arena, you just have to be able to stack up Collateral damage, aswell as having 3 enemies stacked for the legendary. Keep in mind you can't change gear from haste to a versa set inside.


World of Warcraft: Shadowlands OST
Maldraxxus Sans Primus 0:00

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth OST
Arathi Basin 1:49

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm OST.
Thaurissan's Reach 3:31

World of Warcraft OST.
Composers: Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford
Legacy 5:58