Epic Music Mix - 1 Hour of World of Warcraft Music

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All copyrights belong to Blizzard Entertainment.

Composers: Russell Brower, Derek Duke, Neal Acree, David Arkenstone, Glenn Stafford

00:00 WotLK Main Title (Login Music)
01:15 Silvermoon (WotLK Version)
02:36 Black Temple (WotLK Version)
03:19 A Call to Arms
03:56 Seasons of War
05:23 The Culling
06:49 Legends of Azeroth (Vanilla ending)
07:58 Echoes of the Past
09:37 Mountains of Thunder
12:11 Path of Tears
15:24 Stormwind
16:39 Assault on New Avalon
18:41 Why Do We Fight
20:27 Grim Batol
21:04 Thaurissan's Reach
21:29 Ironforge
24:03 Call of the Elements
25:40 Reforged
27:45 Arthas My Son
29:19 The Dark Portal
30:12 Ulduar (The Four Sigils)
30:42 Secrets of Ulduar
32:16 The Titans (ending)
32:50 The Wrathgate
34:39 Gunship Battle
35:49 The Shaping of the World
37:37 Forged in Blood
39:12 Arthas enters Lordaeron (WC3 human ending)
40:20 Jaina Homeland
41:59 Times Change
43:17 Song of Elune
44:37 Gilneas
46:20 Rise of the Zandalari
47:21 Tempest's Wake
48:49 Secrets Long Forgotten
49:58 Lament of the Highborne
52:33 Shorel'Aran
53:41 Magnificent Desolation
54:42 King Arthas of Lordaeron
55:29 End Time
55:56 Night Song
57:12 Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Cinematic Ending
57:49 Invincible