Lore For Noobs - Malfurion Stormrage (part 1)

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Malfurion Stormrage was the first known mortal druid to walk Azeroth, trained by Cenarius himself, ten thousand years ago.

When the War of the Ancients began, he led his time traveling buddies Broxigar, Krasus, and Rhonin, along with Illidan and Tyrande, to Captain Kur'Talos Ravencrest, in hopes of finding allies in Ravencrest to push back the demons.

Eventually, Cenarius shows Malfurion how to access the Emerald Dream. While within the dream, scouting the palace of Zin'Ashari, home of Queen Azshara and her Highbourne mages, Malfurion discovers an evil force, and realizes that this is where the demons were pouring into Azeroth from. It was none other than Lord Xavius leading the casters, and, with his implanted magic eyes, saw Malfurion through the dream and captured his mind in a trap.

Eventually Malfurion escapes and while channelling the power of nature, summons power strong enough to tear Xavius apart, and dissolve his very being..

Eventually, after a series of small battles, Deathwing, then Neltharion, unleashed the power of the Dragon Soul, later the Demon Soul upon the demons...and the dragons. After being pushed back to his lair, the demons began their assault once more. Malfurion, knocked unconscious from a spell by Archimonde, was dragged from the battle by Tyrande. Eventually he woke up and wandered off, only to come back to find Tyrande unconscious now, and being carried away by Satyr into a portal. After a short fight with the new Xavius, the first satyr, Malfurion used an arrow shot into Xavius by Shandris Feathermoon to create a tree from within Xavius, sort of like Harold from Fallout 3. However, Tyrande was carried through the portal, and in his grief from loss, Malfurion summons a horrible storm that nearly washed away both the demons, and the night elves.

After much time and much grief, Malfurion formed a plan to steal the Demon Soul from Deathwing. Using a combination of scouting through the Emerald Dream, and the combined effort of Brox, Malfurion, and Krasus, managed to find and take the artefact, only to have it stolen again by Illidan and Captain Varo'Then.

Finally, Cenarius returned to Malfurion with all the ancient creatures of Azeroth, including Ursol and Ursoc, and Aviana, to join the fight, and find Illidan, who had since defected to Azshara, and return Tyrande. After a brutal fight, ending with the purging of the demons from Azeroth, the night elves retreated to Mount Hyjal to evade the sundering. Here, Illidan attempted to create a new well, and when found by Malfurion and after attempting to kill him, was sentenced to death by

Jarod Shadowsong. Malfurion, feeling pity for his brother, requested that instead he be sent to an underground prison and held there until he seemed reformed, even if it took ten thousand years. Malfurion then took leadership of the night elves, and abolished the arcane, instead teaching his people the way of Cenarius. The way of the druids