Hearthstone All Interaction HERO Illidan Stormrage Demon hunter
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Illidan Stormrage
(laughs) There is a darkness in the garden of the heroes that you know, casting shadows even blacker than the night. There is a prisoner walking free, who still envisions what could be. Though long-ago, he sacrificed his sight. There is a villain who's been hated and a savior who's been shunned, who's tasted of a love that cannot be. They're all one and the same, and the worlds all fear my name. The hero that you never thought you'd see!
Illidan Stormrage represents the Demon Hunter Demon Hunter class in Hearthstone.
Illidan Stormrage, the newest playable Hero in Hearthstone, embodies the Demon Hunter’s class identity. He’s an aggressive attacker who leads his felinfused forces into the fray. While other Heroes may buff and heal their minions, Illidan instead fuels himself with their souls when they fall in combat, taking vengeance upon his enemies
Illidan on the cover of The Sundering
Illidan Stormrage is the first of the demon hunters, the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, former ruler of the Black Temple, and the original leader of the Illidari. He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was, like his sibling, in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Though born a night elf and renowned as a powerful sorcerer, Illidan officially betrayed his people as he temporarily sided with the demonic Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, though his reasons for doing so were noble as he secretly aimed to repel the Legion's invasion. Due to this betrayal, as well as having secretly created a second Well of Eternity after the first one was destroyed at the end of the war, he was dubbed "the Betrayer" and imprisoned in the Barrow Deeps below Mount Hyjal. There, Illidan remained for over 10,000 years, watched over by the warden Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers.
Flavor text
When viewed in the Collection, Illidan has the following flavor text:
Being the first demon hunter makes him both proud and angry. Basically, he was perfect for the job.
Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events
Type Emote
Thanks My thanks.
Well played You possess true power.
Greetings Evil draws close.
Mirror Greetings Indeed. YOU are here.
Wow How is it even possible?
Oops A blunder?
Threaten You are not prepared!
Attack Vengeance is mine!
Concede I yield—for now.
Opening remark This ends now!
Opening vs Malfurion Stormrage It isn't over between us, brother!
Opening vs Prince Arthas Today and forever I am your better, Arthas.
Opening vs Tyrande Whisperwind I will prove myself to you.
Opening vs Maiev Shadowsong You cannot hunt a demon hunter.
Opening vs Lady Vashj Let us test our strength.
Opening vs Mecha-Jaraxxus Back for more, demon?
Mirror start You dare speak to me?
Thinking [1] Hm...
Thinking [2] Much strife...
Thinking [3] Demons? Demons.
Thinking [4] I grow impatient.
Running out of time Time grows short.
Almost out of cards Not many cards left...
Out of cards I am out of cards!
Error: Too many minions I command too many.
Error: Generic Not possible.
Error: Hand already full My hand is full!
Error: Hero already attacked I already struck!
Error: Minion not ready That one is NOT prepared.
Error: Minion exhausted It cannot attack again.
Error: Not enough mana My mana is too low.
Error: Need a weapon I require a weapon.
Error: Can't play that card I cannot...
Error: Can't target stealthed minions That one lurks in stealth.
Error: Not a valid target I cannot reach that.
Error: Must attack taunt minion Another taunts me! ME!
Selection in Arena I have been caged in darkness.
Hallow's End Greetings gloomy Darkness surrounds us… cheerful It's Hallow's End!
Winter Veil Greetings There are no holidays for betrayers.
Lunar New Year Greetings Happy New Year!
Noblegarden Greetings Hunting for eggs is fine practice for hunting demons.
Fire Festival Greetings Our fires shall burn brighter than the Legion itself!
Pirate's Day Greetings All aboard the SS Betrayer to sail the seas of treachery!
When Command the Illidari is played Serve your master!
When Inner Demon is played We all have demons.
When Metamorphosis is played Now I am complete!
When Mana Burn is played Burn away to ash...
When Skull of Gul'dan is played Alas, poor warlock...
When Spectral Sight is played I see...
Type Emote
Sorry I apologize.
(laughs) There is a darkness in the garden of the heroes that you know, casting shadows even blacker than the night. There is a prisoner walking free, who still envisions what could be. Though long-ago, he sacrificed his sight. There is a villain who's been hated and a savior who's been shunned, who's tasted of a love that cannot be. They're all one and the same, and the worlds all fear my name. The hero that you never thought you'd see!
Illidan Stormrage represents the Demon Hunter Demon Hunter class in Hearthstone.
Illidan Stormrage, the newest playable Hero in Hearthstone, embodies the Demon Hunter’s class identity. He’s an aggressive attacker who leads his felinfused forces into the fray. While other Heroes may buff and heal their minions, Illidan instead fuels himself with their souls when they fall in combat, taking vengeance upon his enemies
Illidan on the cover of The Sundering
Illidan Stormrage is the first of the demon hunters, the former self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, former ruler of the Black Temple, and the original leader of the Illidari. He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was, like his sibling, in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Though born a night elf and renowned as a powerful sorcerer, Illidan officially betrayed his people as he temporarily sided with the demonic Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, though his reasons for doing so were noble as he secretly aimed to repel the Legion's invasion. Due to this betrayal, as well as having secretly created a second Well of Eternity after the first one was destroyed at the end of the war, he was dubbed "the Betrayer" and imprisoned in the Barrow Deeps below Mount Hyjal. There, Illidan remained for over 10,000 years, watched over by the warden Maiev Shadowsong and her Watchers.
Flavor text
When viewed in the Collection, Illidan has the following flavor text:
Being the first demon hunter makes him both proud and angry. Basically, he was perfect for the job.
Each hero has their own selection of audio and written emotes that are produced in response to specific events
Type Emote
Thanks My thanks.
Well played You possess true power.
Greetings Evil draws close.
Mirror Greetings Indeed. YOU are here.
Wow How is it even possible?
Oops A blunder?
Threaten You are not prepared!
Attack Vengeance is mine!
Concede I yield—for now.
Opening remark This ends now!
Opening vs Malfurion Stormrage It isn't over between us, brother!
Opening vs Prince Arthas Today and forever I am your better, Arthas.
Opening vs Tyrande Whisperwind I will prove myself to you.
Opening vs Maiev Shadowsong You cannot hunt a demon hunter.
Opening vs Lady Vashj Let us test our strength.
Opening vs Mecha-Jaraxxus Back for more, demon?
Mirror start You dare speak to me?
Thinking [1] Hm...
Thinking [2] Much strife...
Thinking [3] Demons? Demons.
Thinking [4] I grow impatient.
Running out of time Time grows short.
Almost out of cards Not many cards left...
Out of cards I am out of cards!
Error: Too many minions I command too many.
Error: Generic Not possible.
Error: Hand already full My hand is full!
Error: Hero already attacked I already struck!
Error: Minion not ready That one is NOT prepared.
Error: Minion exhausted It cannot attack again.
Error: Not enough mana My mana is too low.
Error: Need a weapon I require a weapon.
Error: Can't play that card I cannot...
Error: Can't target stealthed minions That one lurks in stealth.
Error: Not a valid target I cannot reach that.
Error: Must attack taunt minion Another taunts me! ME!
Selection in Arena I have been caged in darkness.
Hallow's End Greetings gloomy Darkness surrounds us… cheerful It's Hallow's End!
Winter Veil Greetings There are no holidays for betrayers.
Lunar New Year Greetings Happy New Year!
Noblegarden Greetings Hunting for eggs is fine practice for hunting demons.
Fire Festival Greetings Our fires shall burn brighter than the Legion itself!
Pirate's Day Greetings All aboard the SS Betrayer to sail the seas of treachery!
When Command the Illidari is played Serve your master!
When Inner Demon is played We all have demons.
When Metamorphosis is played Now I am complete!
When Mana Burn is played Burn away to ash...
When Skull of Gul'dan is played Alas, poor warlock...
When Spectral Sight is played I see...
Type Emote
Sorry I apologize.