Tanking the LFR - Wing 5 Archimonde

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Today were looking at how to Tank Archimonde successfully and unfortunately yes this introductory guide is still needed over 6 months after he was made available in LFR because there are still at-least semi regular wipes on this guy.

This guide will cover the basics of tanking Archimonde and go over the mechanics you need to deal with in the various phases.

During my research I did this fight as both Tank and DPS and I noticed how much responsibility is on the shoulders of the DPS in this fight. (and how stupid some DPS can still be).

So I am thinking about making a followup guide on how to DPS Archimonde because clearly some some people need to learn the mechanics and its causes wipes... a lot of them.

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Music Credits:

ES_Forest by Alexander Muck

Five Armies by Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Created by Blizzard Entertainment