A 3 minute guide to killing Archimonde inside Mount Hyjal
19 661
Hey guys, tossing this out and seeing if you guys like these shorter ones as well. LMK.
Obviously it wont cover everything. However that's why I have the longer ones up for those that want a more in depth. These will cover everything a raider needs to know to survive this fight.
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Are you looking to actually pump tho? Recently I took a sponsorship and I usually don't shill them out like this, but this one is actually worth it, no meme. I'm not trolling when I tell you that my life has changed since this I've starting chewing Power Gum. It's simply just Gum, but energy. Before I copy paste what the site says, all I'll say is that because of this gum, I went from drinking I don't even know how many Red Bulls, Monsters, Bangs, Rockstars, etc everyday to literally chewing two pieces of this a day. And the best part is you can just chew one for like 30min and get enough energy to keep you going. Rather than opening an energy drink and either having to drink it all, which keeps up longer than you wanted, or waste the drink after drinking half of it. Yeah, IDK, I'm rambling. Shits amazing tho. Try it, bet you anything you'll like it.
Now for what they say on the site - "Designed specifically to increase your performance and overall health, POWER GUM is a sugar free supplement that includes caffeine, Vitamin D, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. Whether you're gaming, exercising, studying, working, or anywhere in-between, POWER GUM will give you the boost you need - and taste great while doing so."
Obviously it wont cover everything. However that's why I have the longer ones up for those that want a more in depth. These will cover everything a raider needs to know to survive this fight.
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Are you looking to actually pump tho? Recently I took a sponsorship and I usually don't shill them out like this, but this one is actually worth it, no meme. I'm not trolling when I tell you that my life has changed since this I've starting chewing Power Gum. It's simply just Gum, but energy. Before I copy paste what the site says, all I'll say is that because of this gum, I went from drinking I don't even know how many Red Bulls, Monsters, Bangs, Rockstars, etc everyday to literally chewing two pieces of this a day. And the best part is you can just chew one for like 30min and get enough energy to keep you going. Rather than opening an energy drink and either having to drink it all, which keeps up longer than you wanted, or waste the drink after drinking half of it. Yeah, IDK, I'm rambling. Shits amazing tho. Try it, bet you anything you'll like it.
Now for what they say on the site - "Designed specifically to increase your performance and overall health, POWER GUM is a sugar free supplement that includes caffeine, Vitamin D, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. Whether you're gaming, exercising, studying, working, or anywhere in-between, POWER GUM will give you the boost you need - and taste great while doing so."