Warlords of Draenor Legendary Quest Part 16 : Archimonde Fight / Darkness Incarnate
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[This video is a presentation of World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment production. The video is made to entertain the public and to show them game's content. I have all rights to upload and monetize the video as it is specified here : . I mention that the video was recorded by myself and I own an original World of Warcraft active subscription at the date I made the recording.]
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[This video is a presentation of World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment production. The video is made to entertain the public and to show them game's content. I have all rights to upload and monetize the video as it is specified here : . I mention that the video was recorded by myself and I own an original World of Warcraft active subscription at the date I made the recording.]