The Story of Warlords of Draenor - Full Version [Lore]
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In this video we talk about pretty much all the lore that we already know about Warlords of Draenor. It's a whole bunch of information so if you prefer individual episodes, check this description.
A big thank you for the people over at
Great podcast for WoW, Raiding & Endgame.
When past and present collide, the fate of all worlds hangs in the balance.
- The Prophet Velen
Intro 0:00 - 0:38
Start of the expansion 0:39 - 11:36
The Warlords 11:37 - 28:14
Grom Hellscream 12:02 - 14:51
Durotan 14:52 - 16:26
Ner'zhul 16:27 - 19:30
Gul'dan 19:31 - 22:29
Blackhand 22:30 - 23:51
Kargath Bladefist 23:52 - 26:00
Kilrogg Deadeye 26:01 - 28:15
Other confirmed characters/story 28:16 - 1:02:20
Garrosh Hellscream 28:35 - 30:06
Thrall, Drek'thar, Aggra,Draka, Shamans 30:07 - 35:19
Draenei, Velen 35:20 - 37:12
Akama 37:13 - 38:05
Yrel 38:06 - 38:42
Maraad 38:43 - 40:36
Garona Halforcen 40:37 - 43:54
Med'an 43:55 - 44:23
Cho'gall & Teron Gorefiend 44:24 - 49:30
Orgrim Doomhammer 49:31 - 53:38
Khadgar 53:39 - 57:06
Naaru, Blood Elves, Paladins, Anduin 57:07 - 1:01:12
Zaela & other smaller clans 1:01:13 - 1:02:21
Zones 1:02:21 - 1:02:57
My opinion so far 1:02:58 - 1:04:50
End boss? 1:04:51 - 1:06:53
Your questions 1:06:54 - 1:29:22
Individual episodes:
Meet The Warlords!:
We Come From The Future! #1:
We Come From The Future! #2:
We Come From The Future! #3:
Q&A #11 Who will stand against us?:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
Twitter: @Nobbel87
A big thank you for the people over at
Great podcast for WoW, Raiding & Endgame.
When past and present collide, the fate of all worlds hangs in the balance.
- The Prophet Velen
Intro 0:00 - 0:38
Start of the expansion 0:39 - 11:36
The Warlords 11:37 - 28:14
Grom Hellscream 12:02 - 14:51
Durotan 14:52 - 16:26
Ner'zhul 16:27 - 19:30
Gul'dan 19:31 - 22:29
Blackhand 22:30 - 23:51
Kargath Bladefist 23:52 - 26:00
Kilrogg Deadeye 26:01 - 28:15
Other confirmed characters/story 28:16 - 1:02:20
Garrosh Hellscream 28:35 - 30:06
Thrall, Drek'thar, Aggra,Draka, Shamans 30:07 - 35:19
Draenei, Velen 35:20 - 37:12
Akama 37:13 - 38:05
Yrel 38:06 - 38:42
Maraad 38:43 - 40:36
Garona Halforcen 40:37 - 43:54
Med'an 43:55 - 44:23
Cho'gall & Teron Gorefiend 44:24 - 49:30
Orgrim Doomhammer 49:31 - 53:38
Khadgar 53:39 - 57:06
Naaru, Blood Elves, Paladins, Anduin 57:07 - 1:01:12
Zaela & other smaller clans 1:01:13 - 1:02:21
Zones 1:02:21 - 1:02:57
My opinion so far 1:02:58 - 1:04:50
End boss? 1:04:51 - 1:06:53
Your questions 1:06:54 - 1:29:22
Individual episodes:
Meet The Warlords!:
We Come From The Future! #1:
We Come From The Future! #2:
We Come From The Future! #3:
Q&A #11 Who will stand against us?:
The music in this video is provided royalty free. (Creative Commons License)
Songs:The Path of the Goblin King
Music by:
© 2001-2008 Kevin MacLeod
World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment®
Twitter: @Nobbel87