World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor Complete full Soundtrack

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Soundtrack completo de Warlords of Draenor, listening the official Soundtrack (collector's edition)

00:00 Siege of Worlds
12:03 Iron Dawn
14:28 Khadgar
18:12 Call of the Warrior
20:40 Wolf at the Gates
23:22 Horde Battle march
31:21 Warsong
33:53 Grommash Hellscream
37:24 A Hero's Sacrifice
41:52 A Light in the Darkness
48:10 Blackrock
51:18 Man Down
53:17 Freedom
55:04 Eagle of Draenor
57:10 Shattrath
1:01:14 Grinspiration
1:05:51 Warrior's Journey
1:07:24 Keepers of the Temple
1:10:29 Empire Ogre
1:16:55 Rise of the Dark
1:20:34 Alliance Battle march
1:24:31 Family
1:31:05 Night walk
1:33:59 Yrel
1:34:54 Stormshield (Wrynn's Vanguard)
1:35:49 Warspear (Vol'jin's Spear)
1:40:06 Taalador
1:48:33 Asharan
1:51:02 Shadowmoon Valley
2:01:05 Spires of Arak
2:03:42 Gorgrond
2:06:40 Magnificent Desolation
2:10:38 The Clans Join

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Russell Brower
Neal Acree
Jason Hayes
David Arkenstone
Derek Duke
Glenn Stafford
Jeremy Soule
Matt Uelmen
Edo Guidotti
Sam Cardon
Clint Bajakian
Craig Stuart Garfinkle
Eímear Noone