Antorus Cinematic Reactions and 7.3.5 Previews! World of Warcraft Weekly #71

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The conclusion of World of Warcraft Legion’s major arc is over, but the story marches on as we move to the 7.3.5 PTR. I take time today to celebrate our recent contest winner and give my commentary on the events of the cinematic and the end of the Burning Legion.

Then as we move to 7.3.5 I brush on the features and ask the question of just how the gap between the final raid and the new expansion will be like this time?

This week's videos:
Fans and YouTubers celebrate WoW's 13th anniversary!
A big concern I have for Classic WoW
The Original method to obtain Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros
The 16 Addons that changed the game for Legion!

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