World of Warcraft Soundtrack (Full)

4 967 580
World of Warcraft OST.
Composers: Jason Hayes, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford

0:00 Legends of Azeroth
2:43 The Shaping of the World
5:11 Legacy
7:39 Song of Elune
9:57 Echoes of the Past
11:53 A Call to Arms
14:14 Seasons of War
17:15 Orgrimmar
22:00 Stormwind
32:55 Thunder Bluff
39:14 Ironforge
46:41 Ironforge Alternate
51:09 Gnomeregan
53:19 Undercity
57:23 Darnassus
1:03:16 Enchanted Forest
1:11:10 Forest
1:17:35 Barren Dry
1:22:52 Desert
1:29:11 Cursed Land
1:35:43 Plains
1:39:55 Mountain
1:48:31 Evil Forest
1:55:20 Soggy Place
2:02:22 Jungle
2:08:31 Volcanic
2:13:20 Ghost
2:14:24 Tavern - Horde
2:17:02 Tavern - Alliance
2:18:40 Angelic
2:19:30 Gloomy
2:20:46 Sacred
2:21:22 Haunted
2:23:25 Magic
2:25:36 Mystery
2:27:32 Spooky
2:28:00 Swamp
2:28:30 Battle
2:33:07 Zul'Gurub - Voodoo
2:34:33 Darkmoon Faire
2:37:47 PVP 1
2:38:36 PVP 2
2:39:31 Ahn'Qiraj - Intro
2:41:56 Ahn'Qiraj - Exterior
2:46:18 Ahn'Qiraj - Interior
2:51:50 Ahn'Qiraj - Triangle Room
2:54:06 Ahn'Qiraj - King Room
2:55:21 Naxxramas - Hub Base
2:57:53 Naxxramas - Interior
3:06:48 Naxxramas - Spider Wing
3:10:11 Naxxramas - Spider Boss
3:12:13 Naxxramas - Plague Wing
3:16:02 Naxxramas - Plague Boss
3:17:31 Naxxramas - Abomination Wing
3:20:36 Naxxramas - Abomination Boss
3:22:45 Naxxramas - Frostwyrm
3:27:01 Naxxramas - Kel'Thuzad
3:31:25 Sapphiron (Mosaic)
3:32:15 Mystery
3:41:55 PVP 3
3:42:37 PVP 4
3:43:42 PVP 5