Brackenhide Hollow 19 - (186K Overall) 2 Handed Oblit Frost DK POV | World of Warcraft
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Brackenhide Hollow 19 - (186K Overall) 2 Handed Oblit Frost DK POV | World of Warcraft
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Copy the first three on your WA then delete the spells you don't want to see and replace them and resize them as you want
Top 10 Frost DK in the world trying to do my best to reach 1
i do +15M Dungeons and Raids, feel free to ask me anything on comment on YouTube
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My Stream Twitch :
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Weak aura:
Copy the first three on your WA then delete the spells you don't want to see and replace them and resize them as you want
Top 10 Frost DK in the world trying to do my best to reach 1
i do +15M Dungeons and Raids, feel free to ask me anything on comment on YouTube
World of Warcraft, Frost DK pov, frost DK m+, frost DK guide, shadowlands frost DK , shadowlands m+ DK ,m+ DK guide, frost vs unholy m+,bos guide m+, death knight, castle nathria, world of Warcraft, halls of, halls of atonement guide, wow halls of, wow halls of atonement, wow halls of atonement mythic, wow halls of atonement guide, frost death knight, frost death knight shadowlands, frost death knight pvp, frost death knight rotation