💀 Pennywize - Shadow PvP [WoW Classic 1.12.1]

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NEW TRAILER! H A P P Y F A C E M E L T I N G 08/27/2019. Server: Heartstriker (PvP-German). Hey everyone! Welcome to my first movie (more will follow). All clips were recorded over a short period of time. You can see 1on1/1on2 fights in the world and on battlegrounds. Back in the vanilla days, Shadow Priest was a class that was such fun to play and I want to show you why. Enjoy!

My Spec:


Some people aks me, "Penny why you don't use Devouring Plague?":
- Situation of content / my gear in this video = Pre AQ/Naxx time. I play with the blue rank10 gear and craft items (no raid items) with results in a low 4,8k Manapool. Then a 985 mana DoT with light dmg/heal is not important enough for me. If you play with much better gear and a higher manapool (easy 5,8k+ mana with BWL/AQ/Naxx gear) it's an other situation.

-In Classic WoW PvP (without Resilience) the fights are very short.
Speed / Instinct / Burst dmg are very important. So I prefer to use my mana for a bursty Mind Blast ("inner focus" greetings) as for a high mana DoT like DP. It´s symbiotic with my generally aggressiv playstyle.

-The priest defence skills with shield, dispel and VR are strong enough.

That's only my opinion/experience and you see it works :)

#InLove #With #ShadowHaters