7.3.5 BEST DPS | HEALER | TANK CLASSES - World First Race(Method/Limit/Exorsus) | Top Classes Ranked

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Discussion/ranking video about the BEST DPS | HEALER | TANK classes based on world first mythic race in legion FOR PATCH 7.3.5 & 7.3.2 7.3 The video analyses healing, DPS and tanking setups of the 3 "top" guild in World of Warcraft and provides a breakdown of each spec most commonly used! The data was gathered from the "Method", "Limit" & "Exorsus" guilds and their mythic "Antorus the Burning Throne" raid progression.

This video displays MY thoughts towards the "BEST DPS/Healer/Tank" class in 7.3.2 Shadows of Argus but its also IMPORTANT to remember that these ranking only impact a very small percentage of the player base - basically unless you are pushing for really high mythic progress, play the class that you enjoy the most!

Raider.io World First Rankings:

Patch 7.3 Shadows of Argus: World of Warcraft Legion expansion.

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